Third quarter Moon. A time of assessing and re-orienting direction of April. Eventful 30th May: outcomes of direction from week of 13th May. 31st May-3rd June dark of Moon, a time of secrecy as the Moon ruler of light, ruler of our daily routine affairs is in her dark Moon phase. News heard indicate hidden intentions: avoid commitments until after the 4th June when the light returns to reveal the hidden things.

27th highlighted are matters of wealth. Fortunate to send ambassadors, managers, advisors as representatives and to negotiate; fortunate to buy and sell, fortunate for journeying. Good of study, accounting, schooling.

28th fortunate to implement directives as advice received here is beneficial, from aspected Jupiter, Ruler of judgement

29th marred day of disruptions, contentions. New acquaintances lead to discord.

30th meetings with authority figures lead to constraints, trips are delayed

A time and a place for everything …..