4th August 2019

Predictive Global Foresights 2019 August Week of 5th:

August 5-11th sees outcome of business plans of June 21-26th and July 27-4th August; deadline event of July 18-26th sees harmonious agreement August week of 5th;

DAILY Global CALENDAR: August 2019 week of 5th _________ August 5th favourable for agreements to proposals of week of 23rd July, favourable for contracts, favourable for association with those in authority, lawyers, clients, favourable for financial gain; 6-8th unfavourable for plans and material things, communications are untrue; 6th a time of preparation, favourable for association with messenges/agents, 7th favourable for employee hiring, unfavourable for association with those of authority, changes in contractual arrangements, disruption in daily routine; 8th unfavourable for action, outcome of investments of 24th July; 9th favourable for women of authority, focus on mothers; 10th favourable for financial gain, clearance of blockage of 8th, action in new direction.

Observe Jupiter with the Moon in early evening of 9th

‘To every disadvantage there is a corresponding advantage’ – Clement Stone