ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS:   Activities of November see outcome in the week of 2nd of December 2019.   Planning of December sees outcome January.   Work deadlines of week of 2nd December sees outcome week of 20th January 2020.   Work affair of week of 9th December sees agreement week of 16th December and actioned 27th January 2020.     

MONDAY 2nd December work endings.  Hidden things.  Focus on contractual affairs related to property.  Ending of partnership.   Women at a disadvantage, loss of investment  TUESDAY 3rd ending of property affair of September.    Ending of contracts.  New direction for March 2020   WEDNESDAY 4th busyness with deadlines.  Hidden things, idealism, deception.  Riches.  Finances linked to foreign affairs and legal matters.  Endings of property affairs of September.  New direction.  Preparation for business ventures of March 2020     THURSDAY 5th  planning.    Wealth, work focus, contractual agreements of property of week of 24th October.  Endings of property affairs of September.   New direction for March 2020.   FRIDAY 6th   focus on finances from agreements, status of ownerships, work deadlines, investments.  Favourable for women of authority.   Social affairs   SATURDAY 7th focus on finances.  Favourable for short trips, routines, investments, group activities, wealth  SUNDAY 8th  women of authority at a disadvantage;  favourable for movement, trip, break of routine, change in location, status of position.   Break of property affairs of November.  News, actions are true and good.   Focus on organising.  

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS:  For those of us born under the constellation of ARIES the focus this week features payments, work achievement, foreign affairs  TAURUS focus for the week features fulfillment of contracts, payments    GEMINI fulfillment of commitments, move, partner, agreements   CANCER  deadlines, staff   LEO  recreation, holiday, children   VIRGO home, family, contracts   LIBRA work affairs, short trips  SCORPIO  finances and possessions   SAGITTARIUS movement, status of property ownership, business premises   CAPRICORN  endings, reflection AQUARIUS group activities, resources of the business  PISCES  riches, status of position, ownership 


For your individual foresights and elections please request your own 2020 business time map.   Incisive time- prediction to control and direct your time for advantage.