ELECTIVE FORESIGHTS:   Week of 22nd December is the beginning of January 2020.   Planning of December sees outcome January.   December is outcome of October’s plans.  Favourable for holiday, foreign affairs, social groups, investments, shared resources, rental.  Stellium with Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Cadua Draconis, Ceres, Saturn, Pluto in Capricorn ‘when the stars begin to huddle the earth will soon be a puddle’,  rain.     

MONDAY 23rd December  Favourable for association with men, disruption, conflict, shared resources, banking, investments.   Communications, news, material things are false TUESDAY 24th   Dark moon with Antares,  hidden intentions.  Favourable to conceal things, acts of destruction.  Unfavourable for movement WEDNESDAY 25th  Dark moon,  hidden intentions.  Favourable to conceal things.  Favourable for movement, short trips, communications, organising, social affairs, celebration, recreation, holiday THURSDAY 26th   New Moon phase 26 – 31st December:  good for initiating projects; cutting hair to grow fast and thick; sowing of seed.  A time to plan and plant.  Unfavourable for installations.  Favourable for foreign affairs, social affairs, holiday, retreat, reflection, short trips, possessions, gain, endings.  Potential material loss.  Plans for January week 6th 2020.  Annular Solar Eclipse, a ‘total’, but the Moon is too far from Earth for the apex of its shadow to reach Earth’s surface.  Thus Moon will not entirely hide Sun, and a narrow disk of light will surround the dark New Moon on December 26 2019 5am signifying unhappiness to the great;  revolution;  mutiny;  famine;  movement, travel.   (Earthquakes generally follow on the heels of eclipses).  Visible over Arab states, India, SE Asia, Australia FRIDAY 27th  favourable for women of authority and association with.   Favourable for security systems, delays, constraints, plan delays, change of position, movement, group activities, wealth.   Global no-action day: News, plans are untrue or delayed.  Unfavourable for procedures on the physical body. Plans for January 2020. View Moon with Saturn, Jupiter, Venus SATURDAY 28th  cutting of ties, movement, trip.  Group activities.   Favourable for home affairs  SUNDAY 29th  favourable for group activities, social affairs, payments, investments.

PERSONAL FORESIGHTS:  For those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of ARIES the focus this week features contractual agreements, movement, commitment to direction of 2020.  TAURUS the week features work deadlines, employees, health regime  GEMINI recreation, holiday, social affairs, child   CANCER house, family, endings, plans for 2020 property affairs.  LEO  busyness with daily routines, work routines, short trips.  VIRGO   financial affairs, possessions, assistants.   LIBRA  new direction, planning for 2020, movement, social.   SCORPIO work endings, retreat.   SAGITTARIUS business finances and resources, investment, group activities, social.  CAPRICORN  fulfilment of status of position, ownership, movement, eventful plans for 2020.  AQUARIUS  business work ending, travel, social.   PISCES shared resources, rental, social, payments, investments.

Sagacious prescription of Time