Fix your course to a star and you will navigate any storm  –  Leonardo da Vinci

dinastro ARTICLES unravel the elements that predict time’s affairs.


Your Monthly dinastroTIMEMAP
Today Moon is Full.  Look to agreement. 
Read the relevance of this week for your relationship.
Time Your Business with Foresight!


Today’s Full Moon is also a Super Moon.  It is the main event for the week. 

It is a special event because it is the largest full supermoon of the year 2024 where Moon is slightly closer to Earth making her appear larger and brighter. 

View her rising over the horizon in the east around sunset, as a large and orange ball. 

Moon reflects the intent of the plan, Sun light reveals it. 
This occurrence gives clarity to relationships.  Clarity because Sun’s light shines on, and reveals Moon’s intent.  Look to hidden of September 16 2024.

Key days
Timing the super full Moon of October 17 2024.  Look to your diary.

Today places the focus on relationships.  Relations in accord or discord.  Look to agreement.

–  The investment of September 17 2024.

–  Clarity with direction from October 1-3 2024.

–  Action investment of February 26 2024. 

–  Direct operations of June 2 2024.   

–  Move relations of April 20 2024.   

–   The inverse to March 26 2024.

–   Relations this week see outcome March 2025. 

Note the day overlap.

Timing the current news.  
Globally this full Moon October 17 reflects outcome of:

February 26 2024 with
–  Trump appeal of New York civil fraud judgement.
–  Sweden accession to Nato.
–  Russian President Putin signs two decrees to restructure Russian military.
–  Heads of State and 15 EU leaders Paris meeting to arm supplies to Ukraine.
–  Germany military aid package to Ukraine.
–  Leaders of Saudi Arabia Crown Prince MBS and Ukraine President Zelensky meeting. 

October 1-3 2024 with
–  Iran launch ballistic missiles at Israel.
–  Russia advance in Vuhledar.
–  Move of Nato Secretary General Rutte,
–  Gold price jump due to Middle East war escalation fears. 

June 2 with
– Action linked to Chinese Defence Minister Dong Jun’s speech to stop Taiwan’s independence forcefully.
–  BHP offer for Anglo American of May 31-June 2, from hidden of September 17 2024.  The initial proposal of April 24 2024 that was rejected sees remedy November 2024, action May 2025.    

Conflict October 23-24 2024.   
–  Israel’s disadvantage with Iran of October 1 sees remedy October 17, action October 23 2024.  Linked to April 20, US approval of military package aid.   
–  Relations in agreement or disagreement, of October 24 reflect the activity of November-December 2024 and May 2025. 

Moon wisdom for October 17 Super Full Moon advises to cultivate investment of February 26 2024.  Consolidate things for security, ties of March 2025. 

How would having this foresight in February 26 2024 have helped you chart the direction of your business? 

Remove uncertainty.   

Direct your investments with surety of gains. 
Use foresight to time your business in advance. 

Request your TimeMap!

Dina Carvalho October 17





Your dinastroTIMEMAP
Today Jupiter starts his retrograde motion.
Today’s relations extended to 2025.
Read the relevance of timing Jupiter.


This week we enjoy seeing three planets who brighten our night skies.
Venus is visible in the west after sunset.
Saturn is visible most of the night, rising east at sunset.
Jupiter is brightest.  View overhead before sunrise.

Jupiter, the giant, is the largest planet in our solar system with his own planets orbiting it.
He transits the sign of Gemini, which he entered in June 2024.

Today Jupiter halts his direct eastward motion and begins his retrograde phase westward.
He is close to Aldebaran and the Hyades and you can see him with Moon on October 21 2024.

Jupiter in 2024:
Enters Gemini in June.
Is brightest of all the stars, ascending in the east before midnight.
Reaches closest distance to Earth with opposition to Sun December 6 2024.
Today Jupiter commences his retrograde phase.  This times relations for October 2024-January 2025.

Key days
Timing the retrograde of Jupiter of October 8 2024.
Jupiter reflects unity, relations, advance.   Jupiter retrograde reflects delay.
His timing is two-fold cycles.
Look to your diary.

Jupiter delay phase impacts your relations of October 10 2024.   Linked to:
May 24 2024       investment sees engagement January 2025
June 6 2024        project sees division, split in two for 2025
June12 2024       delay, extended for April 2015.
August 21 2024  investment delay extended to April 2025.  From June 12 2024.

Timing the second cycle.
Look to your diary.
Engagement of July 18 is linked to action of August 7, sees outcome February 2025.

Looking at how Jupiter retrograde cycle times global events.
Timing the current news of the conflict in Ukraine and Middle East.

May 24 2024
Ukraine strikes on Russian military targets.
President Putin ready to halt war with current battlefield lines.
ICJ orders Israel to halt its offensive in Rafah.
Nato’s Stoltenberg says rules using weapons should be eased.
–  The conflict of September 25, where Israel warns of ground invasion into Lebanon.
–  The conflict of October 2024-April 2025.
–  The disruption of January 2025.

June 6 2024
Ukraine sees split, neighbours for 2025.
–  The conflict linked to September 25 2024 US finance aid.
–  Israel to decide on the offensive of Lebanon’s border.
–  The ground invasion into Lebanon of September 25 2024.
–  Sees division, neighbour relations of 2025.

June12 2024
US lifts weapon ban to Ukraine’s Azov brigade.
Lebanon’s Hezbollah fires rockets to North Israel.
–  Conflicts see a peak January 2025, extended to April 2025.

August 21 2024
Russian defence against Ukraine drones.
USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier reaches Middle East.
–  Relations peak January 2025, extended to April 2025.

July 18 2024
Ukraine agreement with Czech Republic and Slovenia for arms.
Linked to disruption, action of December 2024, January 2025.

Note the day overlap.

How would having this foresight in June 12 2024 have helped you with your commitment today?

Remove risk.   Time your investments with surety of gains.

Advance your business with foresight of returns.  Request your TimeMap for 2025!

Dina Carvalho October 8




Your Monthly dinastroTIMEMAP
Today is the New Moon of October, with Annular Solar Eclipse.
Reflects the direction of October 2024.
Read the relevance of timing the Eclipse.
Time Your Business with Foresight!


Sun.  Earth’s golden king of the day.
Moon.  Earth’s silver queen of the night.

Sun and Moon are lights.  Their movement reflects the timing of events on Earth.
Sun shows the event of the month and Moon the intent.

Today Sun and Moon join for the New Moon of October.
This phenomena times the direction of October 2024.

Today they conjunct in a Solar Eclipse, where the New Moon moves between Earth and Sun to cast her shadow on Earth.
This phenomena reflects the outcome from the hidden of September 17 2024.

Today’s eclipse is an Annular Solar Eclipse.  A total solar eclipse, only Moon is too far in distance from Earth, so the apex of her shadow does not reach Earth.

This means Moon does not completely hide Sun and a narrow ring of light surrounds her.
This occurrence gives clarity to the hidden of September 17 Lunar Eclipse.  Clarity because Sun’s light unveils the hidden intent of September 16 or 17 2024.
Look to end, conclude.
Clarity for agreement and move of October 17 2024.

Key days
Timing the Annular Solar Eclipse of October 2 2024.
Look to your diary.
Your association today reflects the direction of October 2024.
Look to conclude.  A decline, ending, close.   New direction from September 3.

The main event this week reflects the engagement of October and is linked to:
Decline from September 5 2024.
Agreement, outcome of September 17 2024.
Move with relations of April 20 2024.
The remedy to April 8 2024.
Note the day overlap.

Sun wisdom for October’s Solar Eclipse advises to deal with relations of April 20 2024.  Set agreement for October 17 2024.  Look to security for the restrains of April 2025.

Globally this eclipse reflects pollution of the air, pestilence, scarcity of corn.
Detriment to works of art.
A focus on women, disadvantage?    Relations of April 20 2024, decline?
Turbulence with the Sea.  For March 2025.
Clarity with hidden of September 17, April  8 2024 (Israel, Houthis, Iran)

View Solar Eclipse October 2 at 6:45 GMT.   Visible from South America, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Antarctica.

How would having this foresight in April 20 2024 have helped you change the direction of your business?

Timing the current news of the conflict in the Middle East.
– Linked to the conflict of September 25 shown by Mars.   (Hezbollah missile launch).
– Reflects conflict of 2024-2025 and possibly 2026.  With a split into two in 2025.
– Sees clarity, resistance October 10, disruption October 23, confrontation peak January 13 2025.
– Israel’s disadvantage of October 1 sees remedy October 17 2024.  Linked to April 20, US approval of military package aid.
– Working from Israel’s invasion of Lebanon July 12 2006 and troop withdrawal of May 24 2000, the key encounters are seen the week of December 15 2024, and week of January 12 2025.

Remove uncertainty.   Time your investments with surety of gains.  Advance your business with foresight of returns.
Request your TimeMap!

Dina Carvalho October 2



Your dinastroTIMEMAP
Today Moon is Third Quarter with Mars.
Reflects the discord for October 2024.
Read the relevance of this week for October 2024.
Time Your Business with Foresight!



This week September 26 has been eventful.

Because three planets moved into new signs and another two aligned with Mars.

Timing the week ahead in foresight helps you plan the action before the time with knowledge of its outcome.  Giving you the window to escape or avert.

But this week we time in hindsight to help you understand the action after the time of event with knowledge of how to use it going forward.  Giving you the window of its run in future time.

Look to your diary:

The three planets entering new signs are:

September 23 2024

–   Sun entered Libra for his transit of October 2024.  October expect closure.
Association this day reflects the agreement of August 28.
Use gains for October 2024.
Set boundaries.  Restore unity October 10 2024.

–   Venus ascends the western evening sky.  View her low in the west at dusk.
Venus enters Scorpio for her transit in October.
October look to set the relations for November 2024.


September 26 2024

–   Mercury entered Libra.
His transit together with Sun reflects the ending, closure of September 30 2024.
What is your ending, closure?

–   Moon with Mars.
Expect disruption.  Confrontation.  Conflict.
This day reflects the encounters of October 2024-April 2025.
Reorientate engagement of July 5 2024.
Action investment of August 28 2024.
Movement from delay of March 30-April 2 2024.
Action investment of September 10 2024.
Outcome of agreement of June 21 2024.  Plan for December 2024.
Return of September 13 2024.

Globally this day reflects conflict.  Israel rejects ceasefire proposal.  Russia China drone project.

What is the disruption you are working with today?
Reorientate direction, restore October 10 and plan for December 2024.

Working with the cycles each day you get to understand the meaning of the day’s associations, their time links to other days and time threads to future days.

The event of the day shows you the course of the relationship, the project, event, deal in advance of time.

Timing the day gives the map, highlighting the turns and how to manoeuvre them to your advantage.  Because you can time the outcome, you can modify things to secure the result you seek.

The time map gives far sightedness.  Without it you are in blind, working with what you see over the surface of the water but not knowing the underneath.  You are unprepared for the unexpected turns. The map gives the security that your current decisions will have a favourable future outcome.

How would having this foresight in September 12 2024 have helped you change your investment?

How would having this foresight in June 21 2024 have helped you change your commitment?

Remove uncertainty.

Time your investments with surety of gains.  Advance your business with foresight of returns.
Request your TimeMap!

Dina Carvalho September 26



Your Monthly dinastroTIMEMAP
Next week is the Full Moon of September, with Partial Lunar Eclipse.
The hidden for October 2024.
Read the relevance of timing the Eclipse.


Beautiful changeful Moon.  Earth’s silver lady of the night.

She serves to light the evening dark, and is the counterpart of Sun who lights our day.

Moon is the motive.  She sows the seed.  The seed reflects the direction of the entity.  She deciphers Sun’s action to manifest outwardly.

Moon is the agent of the day.  We look to her transit to see the week’s activity.  She gives the time link for the outcome of event in a future day.

This week Moon reaches opposition to Sun.  This means that during the day, Sun is directly above your head, Moon is directly below your feet on the other side of the planet.  Similarly, at midnight Moon shines Full directly overhead whilst Sun is directly opposite.  This alignment of Sun Moon in opposition, with Earth in the middle, form a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.

The key for this Full Moon of September 18 2024 is:
–   a SuperMoon because Moon is perigee, close to Earth with a distance of 357486km.
–   a Partial Lunar Eclipse.  Where Moon does not completely cover the solar disk.
–   a Partial Lunar Eclipse, visible rising over S and E North America;   setting over W Africa and Europe;  seen in  all of South America, Antarctica and faintly over Asia, Europe and Middle East.
–   linked to the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of March 25,  the Annular Solar Eclipse of October 2 2024, and of March 2025.

A lunar eclipse precedes and is followed by solar eclipses with a half-Saros cycle of 9 years and 5 days.
–   Look to your diary what was the hidden of March 20 2015?

Full Moon is the marriage of Sun and Moon where Sun displays the Moon’s motive.
Lunar Eclipse alerts us of a hidden element.

Globally the Lunar Eclipse of September 18 shows
Thefts, rapines, robberies by land.
Treacheries and piracies of Sea.
Hidden with artifacts and gems.  Hidden riches.
Hidden weakness with oil, water.
Turbulence of March 10 2024.  Look to Houthi US conflict in Red sea and China’s discovery of oil reserves.

Key days
Look to your diary.
Timing Partial Lunar Eclipse for September 18 reflects hidden weakness with:
–   movement of engagement of 2024 March 10.
–   movement of agreement of 2024 September 4, from August 21.
–   move of 2022 April 28, May 24.
–   constrains of 2023 May 15.
–   association of 2024 March 23, 26 2024, which sees ending October 2024.
–   of 2024 April 20.
–   gains of 2024 November 25.
Restoration seen April 2025 with restrains and direction of purpose.  Consolidation of riches.

Moon wisdom for September’s Lunar Eclipse reflects the hidden with engagement of April 2024 which sees ending, closure, decline October 2024.
Conserve riches for April 2025.

View Lunar Eclipse September 18 at 2:40 GMT.

How would having this foresight in March 23, April 24 2024 have helped you change your commitment?

How would having this foresight in March 10, September 4 2024 have helped you direct your investment?

Remove uncertainty.

Time your investments with surety of gains.  Advance your business with foresight of returns.
Request your TimeMap!

Dina Carvalho September 12



Your Monthly dinastroTIMEMAP
Today Mars enters Cancer.  For his transit of September 2024.
Which reflects the fruit of July’s engagement 2024.  And the disruption of October 2024.
Read the relevance of timing Mars for your September.
Time Your Business with Foresight!


Mars, Venus and Mercury form part of Sun’s inner planets.  The difference is Mars spins at a further distance away, breaking from the consistent closeness of the other inner planets to Sun.

Today Mars enters the sign of Cancer.  Which he transits for September and October 2024.

This month September 2024 Mars is seen in the East before dawn.   He is red, rising in the East after midnight, seen high up in the sky before dawn.  Over the next few months, Mars increases in brightness, as he grows closer to Earth in his orbit, and remains visible till the end of the year.

View Mars overhead before sunrise.

Mars is also close to and a little under Jupiter, where you can view them both, near the bright star constellation of Orion, as they increase in distance, moving away from their conjunction in August.

Mars cycle shows the action as remedy to disruption.  He action is to safeguard.  He serves to initiate new direction, attack.  And he reflects fruition.

Key days

Timing Mars for September, look to your diary.

August 30
–  action sees engagement October 2024.

September 11 2024
–   Action from July 18 2024, operations for September 25 2024.

September 20 2024
–  movement of resources from March 5 2024. Build defenses.

September 22nd 2024 equinox.  Mars-Jupiter scion.
–  Advance gains of March 28 2023.
–  Purpose gains of February 28 2023.

September 25 2024
–  Fruit, action, operations of July 5 2024. Movement of December 2024.  Agreement of January 2025.
–  Remedy to January 11, April 2 2024.

Mars heads for Sun opposition in January 2025.  Reflects the
–  movement to January 11 2024.
–  remedy to June 21 2024.
–  clarity of September 25 2024, movement of December 2 2024.

In September use Mars to invest for
– action the fruit of July 5.
– operations of October.

Mars wisdom for September 2024:
Plan for disruption October 2024, outcome of August 14.
Invest for operations October 2024, the fruit of July 18.

Mars cycle September 2024 reflects the action for October 2024 and January-April 2025.
Look to your association August 30 2024.

Globally October 2024 expect conflict, disruption, action, movement with:
Donald Trump’s acceptance of Republican nomination for President of July 18 2024.
Presidents’ Putin and Orban meeting of July 5 2024.
President Zelensky and UK meeting of July 5 2024.
Israel’s Knesset of July 18 2024.

The outcome of these events are worked out in accordance with the timing of each individual.

Without foresight in your business you act in the blind.  Set up your investments with timed foresight of returns.

How would having this foresight in July 18 have helped you direct your investment?

Remove uncertainty.  Request your TimeMap!  Precise foresights, accurate to the day.

Dina Carvalho September 5


Today Venus enters Libra.   She reflects the agreement decline for October.
Read the relevance of timing Venus for your September.
Avert risk.  Direct Your Investments with Timed Foresight.




Venus, bright Star of the heavens.  She reflects relationships, in agreement or dispute.

Due to their proximity, Venus and Mercury are bound to the Sun, with their cycles close to Sun.

Venus is never more that 60˚ away from Sun, and is the brightest planet visible from Earth.  Hers is the first celestial body to become visible in the sky.  She is seen in the East before Sunrise or in the West after Sunset.   She never reaches overhead at midnight.

Since June 2024 Venus is ahead of Sun, viewed rising in the West Horizon after sunset.

She is known as the Evening Star, or by her true name of Hesperus.  She compels the meeting, coerces agreement, overcoming resistance by persuasion.   This is our relationships September, which see an end October 2024.

Venus has three distinct phases, similar to Moon.  Her current phase is First Quarter meaning she is ahead of Sun and reaches brightest point when she will be at her greatest distance, at greatest elongation from Sun in January 2025.

Today Venus enters Libra for her transit of September 2024, the sign of her natural dignity, in position of strength for relationships.  She can be seen low on the western horizon just before sunset, where she will continue to ascend as the dazzling evening star throughout 2024.

Ahead of Sun, Venus transit in the month, paves the agreements for Sun’s activities in the following month.

Her transit in September reflects the outcome to April’s engagement and sees decline of agreement October 2024.

Look to your diary

Agreement of June 6 sees fruit August 2024.

Agreement of July 5 sees action October 2024.

Agreement of August 6 sees engagement September 2024.

Agreement of September 6 sees decline October 2024.

Venus in Libra September reflects

– Ending, closure of relation October 2024.
Look to August 10, July 13, September 6 2024.

– Movement away from direction of April 24 2024.

– The return of October 2022.

– The agreement from disruption of September 15 2023, from decline of November 2023.

September 5 she is seen near the waxing crescent Moon.  Loss, decline, disable relations.
– The focus of October 2nd.
– Investment for October is flawed.
– The hidden for September 18 2024.

September 17 she is with Spica, brightest Star of Virgo the Maiden.
– The hidden with riches of October 16 2024.
– The closure of April 24 2024.

The Solar Eclipse of October 2024 reflects the inverse to April 8 2024.

Venus wisdom for September is your relationship of April sees ending, closure, decline of agreement for October.  Look to your September 5 2024.

View Venus low in the West after Sunset.

How would having this foresight in August 21 2024 have helped you direct your investment differently?

Remove uncertainty.  Time your investments.  Advance your business with foresight of returns.
Request your TimeMap!

Dina Carvalho August 30






This week key Moon cycle reflects the turning point for October.

Planetary orbs transiting the sky, in full view from your location, act as Time Keepers for your activities on earth.

They serve to light the path ahead, encourage and also discourage, to avert stumbling stones.  The Great Time Keepers show the direction of future turns.

Moon is the fastest mover of all the planets.  She reflects short term cycles.  Her strength of position is derived from her proximity to Earth and the geometric angles she forms with other planets.  She is a reflector.  We look to her to see the seed of action.

Her transit gives foresight of the day’s activities, events and associations.  We use her Time Threads to time the future outcome.  Linking the association or event to its cycle in a past origin day, and tracing its unfoldment through future days to its outcome.

This week Moon is at Third Quarter, meaning she is in square 90˚ aspect to Sun.

Her transit this week reflects use of the fruit of August’s investment;  the direction from the agreement of July;  the investment for October’s engagement.


Look to your diary:

– August 26    Third Quarter Moon, reorient gains of June 6 2024.   Linked to direction of July 5.
Ceres resumes direct motion.  Advance investment of March 5 2024.

– August 27    Jupiter with Mars.
Action gains of August 14.  Restore agreement of July19 2024.
Fruit of the project of September 2022-June 2023.
The gains, association, purpose for 2025.  From June 2024.

– August 28    Mercury resumes direct motion.  Return from delay of July 31.  Action July 5, August 14.

– August 29    Moon in rulership.  Direct investment for move of October 2024.

– August 30    Venus enters Libra, highlights the relations of October.  The focus of next Article.

This week things are true.   Clarity.  Finance for September, invest for October 2024.

How would having this foresight in July 5 2024 have helped you direct your investment?

Remove uncertainty.  Time your investments.  Advance your business with foresight.
Request your TimeMap!

Dina Carvalho August 27





This week key planetary cycles reflect significant global and personal turning points.

Mars joins the great Jupiter in the skies.  Counter actions, resistance.  Make use of resources.

And Mercury retrogrades back into Leo.  The return of July 18.

The article for this week times both global and personal events.

Read the relevance of this week’s timing.

Time Your Business Investments with Foresight!






Timing with planets gives you foresight of the day’s activities, events and associations.

Further, it times the future outcome.  And links the event/ association to its past origin day, tracing the path of unfoldment.

This is because planets are steady in their movement and we can chart their passage with degrees of motion on any given day.  The premise is that planetary movement reflects events of Earth.  And can be used to time the movement of an individual, a business, an investment.

The cycle of a planet differs from every other planet as each moves and has its cycle in its own time.  This enables us to calculate and time events for individual entities as well as time global events every day and for different periods of time as depicted by each planet’s cycle.

There is no mystery, no gravity.  It is simply that all things are related to all other things.
When the Sun is up the birds will sing.  When the Moon is Full the tides will rise.
When Mars conjuncts Jupiter there will be a confrontation  – look to your August 14 2024.

The proof of the accuracy of the predictive system employed, lies in the timing of days.

This week eventful events are transpiring which link the Time Threads to July and November 2024.

I am now timing global events with time threads.
Time threads are essential because they give the start of the event.  Which is important to define and time the occurrence.

Time threads also give the history which helps to outline the time of the passage of the event and prove the system.

An example is the day you invest (history), the change that forces movement of that investment (current time), and the outcome of where that investment will manifest or needed (future).

Another example is the meeting of the individual (origin past), the day of the contract agreement (current query) and the future outcome of the turns or constraints of the supply of that deal (future).

Apply the timing to Personal events, look to your own diary.

Apply the timing to Global events, google the news for the day.

Look to your diary:



Moon First Quarter.
Clarity.  Action site/premises.
The return of July 16.  A flaw.
Movement from July 2.
Engagement from August 5.
The association, operations for November 2024.
The remedy to May 2 2024.

Global Foresight
–  Donald Trump:  From July 15 2024. Action from May 2 Wisconsin.
Direction for November 2024.
The remedy to February 15 2024 hearing.
The meeting with Musk, for election of November 2024.

–  Ukraine receives US F-16 fighter jets August 5 2024, linked to April 16 2024, reflects resources July, August 30, September 11, 26 2024 for conflict of October-December 2024.
Reflects loss, disruption November 2024.  New direction from May 2025.



Jupiter with Mars
Disruption with gains, use gains to shield and resist.
Action with relations.  Compelled to unity.
This day counter action, defy.  Contrast.  Resist.
– From June 21 2024.
– Action from July 5 2024.
– Movement from July 30 2024.
– Gains from June 6 2024.
Association this day sees ties, unity of agreement, regulation, operations August 27 and is linked to investment September 24.  Gains.  Advancement.

Global Foresight
–    Israel-Iran.  Outcome, movement from July 30-31 2024.
–    Russia-Ukraine.  The contrast to June 21 2024.
–    Markets.  The push-back action to repel the S&P 500 loss of June 21 2024.
–    ECB Christine Lagarde.  Contrast of Euro zone and US economies of June 21 2024.
–    Elon Musk.  The movement from June 21 2024.
–    Sudan talks in Switzerland.  Action, compelled relations, from heads of state meeting of June 21 2024.  Resistance, ties, conflict restrains for August 28 2024.
–    European Political Community meeting of July 18.  The return from July 18, resistance.
–   Donald Trump.  The preparation for ABC’s debate of September 10 2024.
–   Movement from Russian President’s Vladimir Putin comment on missiles of June 6 2024.
–   US inflation data reflect gains from July 5 2024.
–   The finance gains for September 17 2024, Fed rate cut.
–   Foxconn Technology results reflects gains from June 6 2024.



Mercury retrogrades back in Leo.  The return
The return of July 30 2024 conflict, linked to outcome August 27 2024.
The return of July 18 for gains August 27 2024.
The delay from August 6.  The outcome September 2 2024.
The resources for movement of September 10 from delay of July 27 2024.

Global Foresight
–   Iran-Iraq:  The return of July 30.  A delay for August 27 2024.
–   US Vice President Kamala Harris, US President Joe Biden joint visit to Maryland linked to the polls of July 30, for September 10 2024.
–   Russia, a return for the Ukraine operations of July 30 2024.
–   Markets delay from the drop of July 18 2024.    New direction August 28 2024.
–   Ukraine President Zelensky UK visit.  The investment for August 29, September 11 2024.
–   Russian President Vladimir Putin comment to respond with nuclear missiles.  Action of September 25 2024.  The conflict of October 2024.
–   US manufacturing and Trade report.  Linked to November 3 2023, delay of gains for September 2024.



Restore from August 14 2024.
The working of August 14 2024.  From July 19 for investment August 27 2024.
Cultivate operations for August 27, restore.
The delay with restoration from  March 5 advance August 27.

Global Foresight
–   The focus on authority of Vice President Kamala Harris from July 19 2024.  Investment for August 28 2024.
–   Trump hearing delay for August 30 2024.
–   World Court on Israel of July 19, March 5 2024.
–   US-Saudi weapon sales from April 29, May 2 2024.

Note the day overlap.

Planets circle in a stable transit.  They can be timed accurately to the day.
Working from current days, we can plot future cycles in advance of time.

Foreknowledge of the planetary cycles give us the ability to stop an action or advance an action to preserve and be in line with what will bring most benefit.


Timing our business with the cycles enable us to manipulate outcomes.

Cycles give foresight, used to avert risk, anticipate falls, plan for turns, preserve gains, uncover the hidden, prepare the strategy.

Mars wisdom for this week says counter action of August 14, sees purpose August 27 2024.
Invest for operations October 2024, look to July 18 .

How would having this foresight in July 5 2024 helped you direct your investment?

Remove uncertainty.  Time your investments.  Advance your business with foresight.
Request your TimeMap!

Dina Carvalho August 13







The moving Planets are the great Chronocrators, Keepers of Time.  They enable insight into past, present cycles, and foresight of future turns and outcomes.   All lifespan of events, happenings, initiatives, organisations and individuals can be traced and timed.
If it exists in this world, it can be timed!

Apply Venus to Time your August 2024.

Venus is Goddess of Relationships.

Her role is essential as she enables relationships with others to ensure supply of resources.
Venus seeks to connect through agreements, deals, and confrontations.  She seeks association whether in unity or conflict.  Venus shows our contracts and disputes.

How does she approach relationships?  Through seduction with her beauty.

Why seduce?  To persuade.

Why persuade?  To manipulate.

Why manipulate?  To achieve the desired goal.

What is the desired goal?
Look to your July 10 2024.

August 2024 Venus enters the sign of Virgo.
Her transit reflects our agreements of August for the finance of September 2024.

She moves ahead of Sun.
She is conjunct Mercury whom she quickly leaves behind as he is pulled back toward Sun.

Her motion ahead of Sun in August, paves the relations for September 2024.

Her conjunction with Mercury gives an opening window for agreement.  Look to August 6 2024.  This helps arrange the finance for the investment of September 2024.

As the day ruler of Virgo, Venus transit in Virgo operates in strength, meaning August is a fruitful month to pursue relationships for September 2024.

Look to your diary:

June 12
The new direction for September 2024.

July 10
Relations for engagement of September 2024.
Planning movement of October 2024.

August 6
Venus with Mercury.  The window of agreement for engagement September.
Assess accounts for potential loss October 2024.

August 21
Clarity with constraints.  Counter measures for defect of October 2024.

Note the day overlap.

Venus wisdom says relate, agree August 6, but expect finance in September 2024.

How would having this foresight in July 10 helped you direct your investments?

Remove uncertainty.  Advance your business with foresight.  Request your TimeMap!

Dina Carvalho August 2





Apply Mercury to Time your August 2024.  

We are rushing.  Everyday in July 2024 have you not been rushed?

This is Mercury, ruler of movement, racing ahead of the Sun, speeding toward the project of August.
Only August expect delays because his transit goes retrograde.

As herald, Mercury travels with the Sun.
His function is to communicate and put to work the action of Sun.  As example look to your June 13-14 2024 when Mercury was with Sun, were you not with swift movement and quick resolve?

Sun shows our activities, what we are busy with during our days.  Mercury as his herald, sometimes follows him, tying up the documents for the deal, and sometimes he speeds ahead with the communications and finance but the parties are not ready.

Right now Mercury is moving fast ahead of Sun.  His swift transit increases our movement in business, accelerates learning, and improves the terms of deals, advances finance for September 2024.

Mercury moves our activities, communications, documentation, technology.
His transit July, ahead of Sun, shows he has set the tracks for the business engagement for August.

Today Mercury enters the sign of Virgo.  He is starting the communications, setting the finance for the business of September.  But he is far ahead of Sun, and so is pulled back closer to Sun in retrograde, to help connect the action with the preparation.  This reflects that the documentation that Mercury was rushing for in July sees a delay August, which resolves and advances the start of September 2024.

Note your diary for July.
Were you not rushing to fulfil the many tasks each day?    Because in July you are planning the movement for August.  Expect delay.

Look to your diary:

– July 9   your association sees delay and is the focus of August 2024.

– July 22 shows your agreement, movement for August, clarity from May 22.

– July 26 assess accounts, pricing and supply for August for September 2024.

– August 4 Mercury retrograde begins.  This reflects the delay of August 6, from July 10 resolve September 2024.

– August 6 Mercury joins Venus in Virgo.  The agreement for September 2024.

– September Mercury travels with Sun, The advance from delay of July 18, investment of July 30 2024.

Note the day overlap.

How would having this foresight in July 10 helped you and your business?

Advance your business with foresight.  Request your TimeMap!

Dina Carvalho July 26






Apply Mars to Time your August 2024.  

Our most precious resource.

The one we all have only 24 hours of, in a day.

Without a plan of action morphs into another day and then a week has passed.

With a plan of action usually fulfills the tasks assigned.

With a plan of action WITH foresight, extends the fruit to other days.

Planet God of Action, Conflict, Defense.

Mars reflects energy levels, relationships and confrontations.  Mars shows the action of the present cycle and the fruit of the future.
He shows the sting, and the stir for action in the present cycle and its accompanying fruit in a future time cycle.  He also shows the fruit from a past action.

With Mars you have energy to act outwardly from the centre.  You enter the ring of action armed, with sword and shield.

Mars enables presence in the moment, he forces action to remedy disruption.

Timing with Mars for August reflects the fruit from engagement of June 6.
Action agreement of July 4 2024.
Regulate investment for September 2024.


Look in your diary:

August 2024 Mars joins Jupiter in Gemini.

Use the transit of MARS in AUGUST to:
–   Action the agreement of July 4.
–   Invest for movement of operations of September 2024.
–   Seek union from June 21 for gains September 2024.
–   Harvest the fruit from the action of 2023 June.
–   Restore agreement of January 22 2023.
–   Cultivate the project of May 22 2023.
–   Direct engagement of June 6, set schedules.  Harvest September 2024.
–   Direct investment for operations September 2024.  Regulate accounts for the delay of August 2024.

Mars cycle August reflects the gains, advance of 2025.  How could you have improved your business decisions if you had known this in June 2023?

For key days in August request your TimeMap. Individualised power days from your own chart.
Precise timing for your business and investment deals.

Advance your business with foresight.  Request your TimeMap!

Dina Carvalho July 19





Every action we make occurs within a particular frame of time.

This action happens because we seek to achieve a specific purpose.

In our daily business we plan the action for a future time.  We cannot just arrive and hope it all works.

We set the goal, define the project/product, arrange the meeting, plan the process, write the communication, ensure the supplier, agree on finance, sign the contract.  All these actions happen within a space of time.


The time of action is determined by access to the input of the players involved.  You will set up the meeting for a time suitable for all parties.  If you approach with your request at midnight, you probably will not get a reply.


Choosing the right time for action determines the outcome.  This becomes evident when you include foresight in your planning.  Planning involves a simple agreement on the time for action.


Planning with foresight means timing the action on favourable days to achieve the desired outcome, favourable to you.  Even if you cannot change the day of action, you can time the outcome and prepare for the hindrance.

This has two benefits:
–   you have insight into how the path of your transaction will transpire in the future and
–   you have insight into the path of decline and know when not to engage.
And most importantly you have foresight into what that outcome will mean for your own personal business!


Timing your events with your planetary cycles gives you the advantage in the interaction because you act with the knowledge of what is coming ahead and know what to pursue, what to avoid and what to promote.   You have power because you can change the day to a timing that will have the best outcome for you.  Acting with the right timing simply means acting with resonance of your own cycles to advance your interests.



Timing events is revealed to us in three ways:
Insights for the present action.
Foresights for the planning ahead.
Hindsight of the past for turning the future.



Look to your diary for this last week.

2024 July 2
Your breakthrough from May 8 2024.  Sees advance February 2025.  Things are true.

2024 July 4
Your union from June 6 2024.  A division, split in two.  Your investment for August for operations of September 2024.  Things are true.



2024 July 6
Your key engagement of July 2024.  The movement, relationship of October 2024. Things are true.  Relations.



2024 July 7-9
Your engagement for August 2024.  Focus on accounts, lists, communications.  Organise your movement, assess resources, set pricing.

Your association July 7-9 reflects the delay, focus, hectic of August 2024.
Linked to your action of July 16 2024.  Expect outcome September 2024.
Shown in your activity of May 25 2023.
Movement from February 9 2024.  The remedy to March 8 2024.

Your engagement this day reflects your association of August 2024, November 2024-May 2025.
Note the day overlap.

You want reassurance of the process.

You want to know the boundaries of the relationship.

You want to time the stumbling stones on the path of the project and plan alternative routes.

Timing your action with foresight gives you foreknowledge of the turns ahead.

You get to control the direction by simply timing the day of action for the right outcome, for you!

Time Your Action With Foresight!   Request Your TimeMap!

Dina Carvalho July 5






Diary, journal, logbook, calendar, record book, engagement book.  We all work from our diary.  Our days start and end checking our diary.  Diaries are our very personal assistant-organiser, setting forth our timetables, highlighting our programme for the day, the week, the month, the year, the meeting.

Diaries are a vital aid for staying organised.  Not just a tool, but a strategic necessity, especially in business.  Diaries give boundaries, confining focus into time-boxes for very particular tasks.  Thus they have a physical manifestation within the twenty four hours in the day.    Diaries are necessary if you want time efficiency.

Working with your diary prescribes your schedules, helps you direct your time.
–  define action, they determine the use of a particular moment in time
–  maintain clarity of activity
–  frame time to improve efficiency
–  pave the path to enhance productivity
–  help us designate our time to achieve our goals in our business
–  give us some control of our time
Diaries help with the review of the day.  They are recorders of events, account holders of our days’ activities.

Diaries are unique to each individual.  Sometimes with a traditional lined dated exercise book, sometimes in the jotting on a piece of paper, and mostly through the phone.   My diary is a visual diary of thick white art paper with no lines.  On one page I handwrite the date and the guiding foresights for the week, and on the opposing page I list the seven days of the week. This layout gives me space to write plans, events, payments, lists, accounts, reminder notes, captures my ideas.  But mostly I can plan in advance with the know of when to commit because the foresight gives me the green or the red light.

I always have my diary with me.  It is my road map of tasks and appointments.  It gives me focus on the day, control over my time and organises my priority tasks.  It is my trusted servant.  I time all decisions, actions, commitments according to the foresight.  Look to your April 24 2024, what was faulty?  And was it linked to your May 8 2024?    May 8 2024 commit with the foresight of the return for July 1st 2024.   Without foresight you are walking in the blind!

Diary = physical action.
Diary + foresight = desired result.

The Afrikaans wisdom translated says ‘Discipline serves as a reminder of what you want’.  Your diary defines the day’s activity.  This cultivates discipline.  Define the purpose of your use of your hour.  Then use the foresight to time the day of return.

How do you approach your day to manage your time better?  Do you break the day into small cycles.  Perhaps you only focus on two decisions in a day.  Or one main meeting in the week?  What if you knew in advance that association this day is false?  The thing is, you want to direct your time with foresight.  Because timing your day with foresight, turns outcomes to your advantage.

Look to your engagements.   Everything you are engaged in happens in a day.  Whether in a meeting a deadline, a business, with family, developing property, investing, arranging to travel, in a meeting, signing a deal, healing, learning, a deadline, applying for a new direction, moving, wanting to approach with a request, buying, selling, emailing, in a dispute, waiting for payment, wanting to renew, changing a direction, launching a product, setting up a meeting, signing a contract, ordering a part, deciding to act on the partnership, directing the project – your diary reflects the day.  From this day, you can work out the outcome of the event, you can chart the course of the association.

Link the roadmap of your diary with the foresights of your TimeMap.  Chart the route of your days with foresight.

Look to your diary for this week of June 24 2024.
An eventful week indeed, as shown by the planets.  Your association this week reflects your engagement September and agreement October 2024.   Is this true for your week?  Do you agree?
Foresight for June 26-30 2024.  Look to your diary.  These days of June 26-30 2024 sees
–  Gains.  Fruit.  Meeting.  Advance, operations from association of May 31, March 11 2024.
–  From delay of April 8 2024.
–  The purpose to the gains of May 2022;  June 1 2024.
Wisdom:  Direct the gains of this week for purpose of September and the working of October 2024.

Manipulate your returns by timing with foresight.

Harvest desired results and avoid needless loss.  Link your activity with your time cycle each day.

Direct your business to your advantage.  Act with foresight.  Work with your TimeMap.

Time Your Action with Foresight!

Dina Carvalho June 28





We all act with an eye to the future.  What are the consequences of your meeting yesterday?  What are the changes of turns ahead?

Commitment sans foresight leads to inaccurate aim and distorted results, and opens the reaction of ‘how could this have happened?’


– plays a decisive role in aiding business decisions by giving a clear view of arising trends, future developments, and veiled drivers of change;

– shows outcome which helps you maneuver your business action for desired returns;

– guides you to anticipate disruptions in your business;

– gives early signals of change to help you proactively adjust your timing strategy.  This helps to mitigate risks and capitalise on an emerging opportunity;

– improves your investment returns.

Planet Planet of disruption and attack, resistance to protect, fortify to shield.

This week June 10 2024 Mars enters Taurus.
His transit is important because it reflects our action of July 2024.

Mars cycle for July 2024 reflects the action to engagement of May 8 2024.
The fruit from August 2022.

Foresight for July 2024:
Look to your May 7-8 2024.  What was the focus for you this day?

–   Expect the fruit, a breakthrough in July 2024.
–   The investment, aid of July 2024.
–   The remedy to the disruption of November 13 2023.
–   The acquisition of February 2025.

What was your change August 2022?
–   Mars cycle July 2024 is the key change for 2024, the direction from the change of August
2022, and the engagement of February 2025.

–   Globally FOMC July 31 2024 shows disruption.  Rate change for December 2024.

Use Mars cycle of July 1 2024 to action the direction of May 8 2024 for gains February 2025.

Use Mars cycle of July 6 2024 to action the project for September 2024-April 2025.

Action of Mars in July is:
–  an attack on the disruption of December 1 2023;
–  benefit from the fruit of April 26 2023;
–  action of protection of September 26 2024.

Note the day overlap.

Your engagement July is the focus of 2024.

Catch the future turns.  Navigate your business with timed foresights.  Request your TimeMap.

Dina Carvalho June 13
©dinastro 2024





Business, bank accounts, investments, glasses of water, tanks of petrol, jars of jam, the Moon  – all go through cycles of fullness and decline.

Growth and shrinkage.  Volatility and stability.  Flow and containment.  Movement and inert.  Contraction and expansion.  Restrains or flow.  All things wax and wane in their own time.  It is the Law.  That which is full, will empty, and that which is empty, will be full.  This is the natural way of things.

Every entity, every business has a cycle.  The cycle defines the time of start and the time of finish.

Within the cycle, there are events –  relationships, investments. launches, meetings,  agreements, contracts, employee recruitment and change, research, product development, breaks, move of premises, decline, loss and gains, advance and hindrance, regulations, hidden things, supplies, pricing, deals, conflicts, changes in status.


You can time these changes in your business, ahead of time, with your TimeMap, a road map of foresights, timing future turns that help you with the direction of your decisions.

You have foresight of the cycles of:   disruption, breakdowns, faults, hindrance, deception, constraints, loss, breaks.  This helps you with security, you know when to hold back.

You also have foresight of days of agreement, finance, moves.  You can take advantage of cycles of natural flow, to advance your personal interests for gains.


What the map really shows you is when to anticipate the loss and gain.  You want to be prepared for cycles of loss to plan provision.

And you want to plan for cycles of gains, to take advantage of that propitious window of opportunity.

In simple terms, you want to foresee the favourable cycles of advance and those of adversity.



Each planet has its own path and reflects its own cycle of time.  Jupiter and Saturn are two planets whose cycles time long term changes.  These two planets lie outside the more closer, personal planets of Mercury, Venus, Mars and are the last planets able to be viewed with the naked eye from Earth.

Jupiter and Saturn reflect our relationships with others, our deals and contracts.   They extend the more personal planets of Mars and Venus which show how we relate to others.   Relations are important because our greatest impact is derived through our association with others, in our credibility.

The qualities of Jupiter and Saturn oppose and balance each other.

Jupiter, the largest planet, represents times of increase and excess.

Saturn represents times of decline, and limits to the excess.

The writings of old say when these two bodies conjunct they make for great changes in the world.

Look to your 2020, when these two planets were conjunct and in strength of rulership.  What were your changes?

These changes become relevant in June 2024 and see outcome/remedy August 2024.

An example for this cycle, in the news.   2020 President Putin’s constitutional reforms to extend his presidential rights sees outcome 2024 with his fifth term.

What is your change?



Key cycles show the appropriate times of when to engage and when to refrain from engagement.

Key cycles that we want to watch out for are those that show:

Hindrance, restrictions, scarcity, decline, regulation, harvest,

And those that show

Natural flow, ease of passage, abundance, union, success, fruition.


Because we want to protect our biggest investment, our business from falls in pits.

Because we want to ensure the fruit of our venture, to secure investment.


We want to have foresight of times of tight economics, so we can take measures to safeguard our business.  We can curtail expenses, restrict some things, confine other things, specialise on the one or on the many, consolidate.  Constraints in business leads to confining systems with rules and reinforcing with outer systems as a hedge against scarcity.   In times of flow, we look to preserve the status of credit and advance our position.


In all times we want to make the most of acting on days that ensure ease of passage, unity, investment.  This gives you an unfair advantage for agreement.   And you can link your investment with your cycle of expansion, to increase the yield.   Foresight shows the future outcome, helps you direct affairs in favourable times that promote growth.



Relationships are what business is based on.  Without relationships there is no business.  Business means deals, service to the relationship.

Jupiter qualities are of abundance and amiableness.

His cycle shows the times that are favourable, propitious, increase, excess, Jupiter is ease of flow, continuity. His path is variable.  His approach is adaptable, accommodating, helpful.

Saturn qualities are of deprivation and gloom.
His cycle shows the times that are adverse, inconvenient, obstruct.

Saturn is control, rigid, fixed.  He consolidates things to reinforce.

Saturn is unbending, consistent, sticks to the rules, inert.  His approach is to restrain, limit and set boundaries.


In relationships Jupiter unites for amiable co-existence;  Saturn unites with binding ties.

Jupiter reconciles to preserve;  Saturn ties and hoards to reinforce.

Saturn bridles and puts to purpose Jupiter’s growth.



The cycle for 2025, Jupiter and Saturn are in square aspect of 90˚ angle.

Look for a push-pull of restrains – advance for 2025.   Define boundary lines for purpose of use.  Prioritise resources, to achieve the goal, gains for 2025.

2025 reflects in June 2024.  Opt for a split in two.



2025 reflects the purpose of the fruit of 2022 June.

Look to your

  • What was your association June 2022?

Gains of 2022 June sees purpose, commitment 2024 March.

The direction of 2025.

We can time it to the day.

  • Look to your association in 2022 June 1, June 20
  • Ties, purpose, direction 2024 March 10, April 7.

The pull of this cycle for 2025, shows the benefit of June 2022 sees harvest of gains 2024 March-June;  the aid for the constraints of 2025.



2025 reflects advance of the cycle of September 2022-March 2023.

What was your project in September 2022, March 2023?

This sees advance in 2024 June and August and gains in 2025.

Look to your association in

  • 2022 September 3, September 16, December 8.
  • 2023 January 5, April 11 2023.
  • 2024 January 21, March 16, April 13, June 6.

These are the key days for the cycle of September 2022-March 2023.  Advance of this project seen 2024 June, August and gains 2025.

The push of this cycle shows a purpose of intent for 2025.

Look to confine ties, define margins, specialise, build structure for 2025.



  • Gains of 2023 April see purpose, direction, constraints 2026.
  • Project, venture, investment of 2022 September-2023 March.  Reflects a split in two parts, with increased yields 2025.

Gains in June and September 2024.

  • Action of 2022 August sees breakthrough May 2024.
  • Breakthrough of 2024 May 8 2024 see eruption July 2024.

We can also look closer.  Look to your

  • 2024 January 11, reflects the cultivation of 2024, harvest 2025.
  • 2022 June, September gains, see action 2024 May, July.
  • 2024 May 8, the remedy to disruption of November 13 2023.
  • 2024 February 9, sees gains December 6 2024, January 29 2025.



Use the timing below to advance your interests.

2024 June 5-9.

These are key days for 2025.

Your association this cycle reflects your commitment for June 2024 and the direction of 2025.

Look to your engagement these last three days.

What has been your turning point?

  • Action of June 2024. Cultivate new direction for 2025.
  • Invest for direction July 2024.
  • Harvest of project from June 2022.
  • Benefit, use of project of April 2023.
  • Outcome from change of 2020, restore.


To conclude:

Saturn cycle of April 7 2024 shows delay.

Use the Saturn cycle of May 30 2024 to set the purpose and cultivate agreement for 2025.

Use the Ceres cycle of May 24 2024 to cultivate the agreement for 2025.

Use the Mars cycle of June 1 2024 to direct the operations, gains of 2025.

Use the Jupiter cycle of June 6 2024 to direct the engagement of 2025.


Timing with planets helps you manipulate the outcome for your advantage.

In short, I time your gains and losses.


Are you in business?  Direct your 2025 with foresight.  Request your TimeMap!

Dina Carvalho June 7

©dinastro 2024






We use foresight to improve business strategy.  Only, with astrology we can time the foresight.

What if you could manipulate the return, simply by tweaking your choice of day of action?

When you use foresight with timing, you create a strategy of action with your power days to increase returns to your business.  This is what determines the gains for one individual and the loss for another;  the advance of one individual and the disadvantage of another.

Let’s say your personal choice is to launch a new venture, sign an agreement or commit to a deal.  What if the day that you initially agreed to act/meet was on an inferior day which shows loss.  What if you could improve the outcome and direct the path of the venture just by choosing the superior day that brings the desired results.

How does it work?

The global planetary year of 2025 starts June 2024.

The annual planetary cycle for 2025 is from June 2024 to June 2025.

June 2024 is a month of significance because your relations in June 2024 reflect 2025.

How to use the cycle?

Time Threads refer to time links of events.  They are used to time the:

  • link between days, weeks, months and years.
  • outcome to the launch, the movement to the start of the venture, deal, relation.
  • association between the day of decision, the day of action, the day of outcome.
  • day of the event, relationship or venture and projected to a time ahead to view the time thread unfolding.
  • event, which emerges in a particular day in a week, month, year.
  • unfolding of events in a future day, week, month, year.

Time Threads are derived through Time Projections and Time Links.
Time Projections show the timing between days in adjoining weeks and months.
Time Links reflect the timing between a day in a month to another day in another month or year.
Together they form Time Threads which chart the continuum of an event in real time.  This gives you far sight which helps you make better choices, because you have a map of the path ahead timed in days and months.  You can proactively use the foresight to benefit your business interests in real time.

The initial day of event is the most important.  The start day reflects the qualities of the entity, if the venture is wholesome or marred.

April 24 2024 Full Moon was on an inferior day.

  • Look to your diary. What was faulty, inferior on that day?
  • Was it addressed May 8 2024?
  • Your agreement April 24 2024 shows the change to manifest in August 2024.
    In global news look to the deal of BHP-Anglo of April 24 2024, which shows inferior or fault. This association which May 29 2024 leaves off, for now, sees news of direction August 2024.

Foresight  JUNE 2024
Look to your diary.  Your association on:

May 24-27 2024
–  reflects the project cultivated in 2024.  Linked to January 11, 22, February 8 2024.
–  sees engagement June 6, investment June 21 2024.
–  reflects the association of June, July, December 2024.
–  sees fruit October 2024, gains, new direction March 2025.
Use this cycle to expand your venture for gains July, October 2024.

May 31 2024
–  reflects movement of the venture of March 10-12 2024.
–  reflects the agreement, operations, purpose of 2025.
–  sees gains July 2024.
–  sees new direction December 2024.
–  from delay April 8 2024, action, advance June 2 2024.
–  purpose to the gains of June 2022, and April 2023.
–  sees expertise, riches 2026.
Use this cycle to structure your operations.  Put things in order, group together, consolidate.  Move, agree, for operations July 2024.

June 6 2024
–  reflects the gains of 2025.  Invest.
–  the gains, advance of August 2024.
–  restore, the remedy from the constraints of 2020 March.
–  the project of September 2022-March 2023 (look to 2022 September 17;  2023 January 5, 21,
2023 March 16, April 24;  2024 January 23).
Use this cycle to advance relations, seek unity, agree, engage for benefit of 2025.

Note the events in your day, on the above relevant days.  Follow the time threads in your diary and see how the strategy of time unfolds for you in 2025.

Working with foresight gives you command over your time.  It helps you direct your business with knowledge of the path ahead.

Do you have a business?  Request your TimeMap, monthly personal foresights for 2025.

Dina Carvalho May 31
©dinastro 2024





The current view on the study of Astrology, by many, is that it is a pseudoscience.  This view arises from a lack of education about the subject.

In my many years of practice, those in the know about the benefit of its application, practice the methods, using the foresights for their business decisions, every day.

ChatGTP gave the following.   Below my educated remarks in colour.

Unpopular beliefs about the cycles of planets:

  1. Astrology is Not Scientifically Proven:
    While astrology suggests that the movements and positions of planets influence human behavior and events on Earth, this belief is not supported by scientific evidence. Most scientists view astrology as a pseudoscience, and there is little empirical data to validate its claims.

This statement is false because it comes from the wrong premiseAstrology does not translate the influence of planets on human behaviour.  Astrology is simply a method that measures time. 

Since we are on Earth, Time is relevant for us.  We have a life span of time.  We fragment time into centuries, decades, years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds.  This helps us time our activities for maximum efficiency and impact.  Using the cycles of the larger planetary bodies around us, we can measure time with foresight. 

We work during the day with the Sun and celebrate the night with the Full Moon.
Why not extend this to the other planets?
–  Mercury timing shows us affairs of finance, movement, deals.
–  Venus timing shows us cycles of relationships, agreements.
–  Timing with Mars we see cycles of conflicts, disruptions.
–  Timing with Jupiter for cycles of expansion and growth.
–  Timing with Saturn for cycles of constraints and endings. 

Planets movement, as observed from Earth, links activities and helps us time events on Earth, gives foresight of potential risks, gains, loss, advance, termination.   

The empirical data to validate this claim is easily seen when we time an event in a day for an individual, business or entity.  Even though I do not know you, have never met you, and know nothing of your personal planets or date of birth, I can still time your events.  This is because planetary cycles are measured from the perspective of Earth, which means the cycles apply to events on Earth where WE are.   This shows the time cycle on earth is global.

When we time for your own personal and business cycles, we use the planets of the birth day and spin them forward to reflect the future timing.   Thus, planetary cycles become personal,  when we time for you and your business interests as individual entities.  Astrology is a science with a practical application.  It reflects cycles whose timing applies to every entity appearing on Earth.  

Now to the Test:
Look to your activity of April 8 was it linked to May 11 2024?
What was your breakthrough May 13 2024?

Here is another cycle.
Timing the global cycle for May 8.   Look to your activity on May 8 2024.  Did your association reflect April 10 2024?
The foresight.
Your association of May 8, sees movement May 21st 2024, fruit July 2024.  From April 10 2024.
For more detail for your own individual affairs, you’ll need to time your own personal planets that will give relevant foresight, to your own interests.

Here are some more cycles you can work with:
–  The planetary year 2024 concludes July 2024.
Your activity of May 18 2024 reflects your joy of 2024. 

–  The planetary year 2025 commences June 2024.
Your activity June 5 reflects your joy and purpose for 2025.

  • – Your activity of May 31 reflects the outcome from March 10 2024.-  Your activity of May 10 2024 sees gains, advance August 2024.
  • – Your investment of May 24 sees agreement June 21 2024. 

  • Timing cycles are global. They link events on earth in a particular time with the cycles of the planets.   Timing cycles are accurate to the day.
    The NHI of South Africa signed by President Ramaphosa May 14 2024 sees action February 2025 from disruption of August, November 2024.  The stop-start of 2025. 

Foresight of the action, in advance of time, then seeing the event unfold in real time, verifies the science works.  Astrology times events in years, months, weeks, days, hours. 

What is the purpose of using astrology in your business?
What problem does astrology help solve?
You have foresight of turns, falls.  You want surety that the meeting brings a deal.  You want to know that going there today will be a waste of time because they won’t have it.  You want to know that the approach today will be deceptive and agreement will lead to loss.  You want to have foresight of the path,  of the document, the project, the adversary, the meeting, the deal, your investment, your move, ahead, in advance of time. 

The TimeMap gives practical foresight of events, people, loss, gains.  Also it is workable.  You work with your power days so you can direct the outcome.  This is Elective astrology.  Choose the most favourable day to approach, propose, agree;  the day which will give you the most favourable return. Choose the day to approach the regulator with the accounts that you wish to keep hidden.  To approach for agreement.  To submit your proposal with surety of return.  Commit with foresight of future outcome.

  1. Planetary Alignments Do Not Cause Catastrophic Events:
    Some individuals believe that rare alignments of planets can trigger catastrophic events on Earth, such as earthquakes or natural disasters. However, there is no scientific basis for this belief, and studies have shown that planetary alignments have minimal influence on geological or meteorological phenomena.

Planetary alignments may not cause catastrophic events, BUT the timing of their alignment signals the time of the catastrophic event.
Eclipses have long been known to reflect earthquakes.  Earthquakes of Tokyo and Taiwan in March, April reflected in the eclipses of March, April 2024.
Putin’s tactical nuclear drill of May 7 sees action July 1st or 15? 2024
The conjunction of Sun Uranus May 13 reflects the Sun flares disruption Starlink.  This conjunction simply timed Sun’s coronal ejections which we know are a solar storm causing disruption to technology.
Moon pulls the waters.  Full Moon affects the tides and is linked to the menstrual cycle of women and the sap rising in plants.
Note in you diary:  Full Moon of May 23 shows clarity for June 21 2024. 

The next eclipses in September, October 2024.   Earthquakes follow in the heels of eclipses. 

  1. Planetary Cycles Do Not Determine Individual Fate:
    In astrology, the positions of planets at the time of a person’s birth are believed to influence their personality traits, life events, and destiny. However, many people reject the notion that planetary cycles dictate individual fate, preferring to attribute life outcomes to personal choices, experiences, and circumstances.

The perspective of astrology, that the position of planets at the time of the person’s birth influences their personality traits is faulty.  Planetary cycles do not influence characters nor do they dictate individuals personalities, fate, events and destiny.  Planetary cycles observed in real-time on earth, help time events, outcomes of personal choices, times of experience and circumstances, individuals’ movement in real-time on earth. 

Planetary positions are not fixed.  They move.  As they move they make a cycle.  The cycle occurs in a particular time which we can link to time events on earth, global and for the individual entity. 

Think of ot as our life span, limited to a certain amount of years.  Our days are limited to 24 hours with our activities confined mostly to the day.  These are time limits.

Planetary cycles have limits. They can only go around the Sun.  And at fixed distances, speeds and times.

With astronomy we can observe them, from position on earth, we can time their cycles, their peri- or apogee, we can table their movement and derive meaning.

My source is Michelsen’s American Ephemeris.  It is a book of tables showing the planets, their degrees and signs.  It tables the cycles of planets from 1950-2050.  for Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, the eclipses and planetoids.  These cycles give foresight far ahead into the future, so we can anticipate the turns and changes by linking the event in the present time to its inception/launch in a day past and projecting this day, to its outcome in a future day, creating a time thread. 

Planets may endlessly travel around Earth.  But there are limits when linked to our Earth life, because an individual will only get to see, let’s say, Pluto go through only six signs in their life time, whilst they will view the Full Moon around 1000 times, and the Sun every day of their lives on Earth, around 80 times in each sign every year.  This means the individual will not see Pluto go through the other six signs in their lifetime.  Thus our activities are confined to time limits.

Time on Earth can be linked to planetary cycles because they are timed by the same clock. 

4. Planetary Retrogrades Do Not Cause Negative Effects:
Retrograde motion occurs when a planet appears to move backward in its orbit relative to Earth’s perspective. Some astrological traditions associate retrogrades with disruptions, delays, or challenges in various areas of life. However, skeptics argue that retrogrades have no inherent significance and that any perceived effects are purely coincidental or psychological.

Retrograde motion refers to the phenomena of a planet  appearing to be moving backward, in relation to Earth, usually ascribed to Mercury.  His cycle turns retrograde three times a year for about 3 weeks every time.

Timing retrograde translates to a time of focus.  Retrograde gives the foresight of extension, a delay, a focus.  Retrograde reflects that something is not yet satisfactory, you can expect a revisit to restore that particular theme, project, relation.

Mercury retrograde April 2024.
Look to your diary.
April 8 extends/reflects/delay/linked to May 11.
March 30 reflects May 12 2024.
This is the timing and the personal planets will give the relevant meaning for the individual.    

The next retrograde is in August 2024.  Reflects rush from July.
August agreement advances November 2024.
Look to your May 14 2024, linked to February 23, January 26 2024.

5. Planetary Influences Are Not Uniform: Astrology suggests that planetary influences affect everyone universally based on their zodiac sign or birth chart. However, critics argue that the influence of planetary cycles varies widely among individuals and cannot be generalized based solely on astrological factors.Planetary influences do not shine beams to directly affect anyone but reflect the time cycles for everyone on earth.

Summer, winter, day, night occur on the planet at different times.  The planet shows the time cycle and each individual entity will have a different outcome based on their own personal planets, in accordance with their individual project.

We already time with the planets everyday, the activity of day and night.  The planting activity of spring, the harvest of summer,  the fallow of winter.  Cycles are collectively global and individually personal.

6. Planetary Alignments Do Not Signal the End of the World: Throughout history, some individuals have predicted apocalyptic events based on rare planetary alignments or celestial phenomena. However, these predictions have consistently failed to materialize, and there is no credible scientific evidence to support the idea that planetary configurations herald the end of the world.

Cataclysmic = apocalyptic.
The planetary alignment of Jupiter Saturn conjunction, occurs every 20 years.
This was seen in 2020, world wide covid measures.  And 20 years back 2000, Y2K. And previously, the recession of 1980.  Were these events significant enough? 

Also read point 2.

7. Planetary Cycles Do Not Determine Economic Trends: Some proponents of financial astrology claim that the movements of planets influence stock market cycles and economic trends. However, mainstream economists and financial analysts generally dismiss these claims as unfounded and not supported by empirical data.

Planetary cycles show time. We use these cycles to see the movement of economic trends for the individual entity.  If it has a day of birth, launch, existence, I can time it for any particular interest, direction.
Timing the current question of rates change?
Working the cycle from the first rate hike 2022 July 27.   Shows disruption, action, gains, two directions June 5 2024, from January 22 2024.  Linked to delay of April 11 2024. (ECB’s meeting days).
ECB rate changes June 2024.  The indicator for Fed’s rate change of July 2024.

Meeting June 11-12 sees breakthrough July 30-31 2024, with July 31 showing the trend for 2025.

BHP agreement with Anglo of April 23 2024 sees change in direction May 2, agreement May 29 2024, conclusion, new direction August 19 2024.  The stop-start with leadership change of 2024 November.  Resolve May 2025.   

Opec to meet June 2 2024 reflects two directions: action with production, investment; constraints from March 4 2024.  Sees change September 6, October 1, 17 2024. 

8. Planetary Influence on Health is Disputed: While some alternative health practitioners incorporate astrological principles into their practices, the idea that planetary cycles directly impact human health is controversial. Skeptics argue that medical decisions should be based on scientific evidence and clinical research rather than astrological beliefs.

Elective medical procedures benefit from timing with astrology. Timing for a procedure helps you avert days which show excess bleeding; or days which are faulty, something hidden, missed.  Or you can increase the benefit of the procedure by electing a day which reflects rapidity, clarity, healing.  Or choose a day of ending, termination if you want to ensure something is removed totally.  Or avert the day that reflects constraints, delays, hindrance.
Use the day of the Full Moon for clarity, favourable for diagnosis.
Use the day of Third Quarter Moon for removals.  This Moon phase in a month shows a turning point in the disease.  Full Moon sap rises.  Increased bleeding in surgical operations.
Use the day when Moon with Venus for aesthetic procedures.
Everything has its own favourable Time.  

9. Planetary Transits Do Not Guarantee Spiritual Awakening: New Age and spiritual communities sometimes attribute profound spiritual shifts or awakenings to specific planetary transits or alignments. However, these beliefs are not universally accepted, and many spiritual seekers prioritize inner growth, mindfulness, and personal development over external astrological influences.

Planetary Transits are systems of timing current events. Spiritual awakenings, buying a car, moving house, sending an invoice, joining a programme, launching a venture, applying for a position, attending a meeting, signing the deal  – these are all events whose return can be improved by electing a day where the planetary cycles resonate, reflect the event.
Look to your diary.  May 12-13 2024.     Awakening.  Revelation.  Turning point. 

10. Planetary Cycles Are Not Predictive of Historical Events: Retroactively applying astrological interpretations to historical events to suggest correlations with planetary cycles is a common practice in some circles. However, skeptics argue that such retrospective analyses are inherently subjective and lack scientific rigor.

Timing historical events does indeed show the correlation with planetary cycles.

Time Threads link the present event with its future outcome, and shows the past day of origin.  This verifies the practice.

Cycles are macro and micro.
The micro thread shows the timing between days and weeks in the months.
The macro thread shows the timing of larger cycles between years.
Each planet has their own cycle.  This is dependent on the year and the link to each of the personal cycles of the individual entity.  As example Moon’s micro cycle times the day.  Her macro cycle is 19 years. 

Look to your diary.
Micro-cycle:   2024 May 10 sees outcome May 24 2024. 

Macro-cycle:  2022 June sees purpose March 2024.    2023 March 14 reflects May 24 2024. Gains of February 16 linked to December 13 2024.   

Micro- Macro-  Cycle
Your engagement May 27 2024 reflects investment June 6 2024 and gains 2025.
May 27 2024 look to engage, invest.  Cultivate relations.  Ties of 2025. 

2025 is the outcome of 2020; the harvest of 2024;  the gains from June-September 2023.

Read Point 5.

These beliefs challenge popular astrological notions about the influence of planetary cycles and highlight skepticism toward astrology as a predictive or explanatory framework.

In conclusion current understanding and use of the science of astrology and its application is erroneous.   Astrology is a practical method for timing things for the individual entity and not a boxy-stereotyped psychological-one-size-fits-most profile of character.    

Planetary cycles are a system of timing events on Earth, in individuals and entities lives. Events are timed in real time.  The planets give foresight rather than firm prediction because things are fluid, on the move and one small turn along the road can be the catalyst for change of outcome. 

Foresight ensures you brought your umbrella for the rain, even though it was sunny when you left.  Furthermore, movement with foresight means you can direct the flow because you have sight of the path ahead.  Foresight of timing gives you the advantage.

Everything has its allotted time. Stars reflect the quality of the time.  Astrology neither deprives nor restricts our freedom.  It serves as a vehicle of support and protection for our interests.  You increase your own agency, to influence the outcomes of your chosen direction, by timing for maximum effectiveness.  So you may to decide to go out in risk, but if you have foresight, you know the parameters and can direct it.  

See the signs before you commit.  Foresight gives wisdom in action. Why sweep leaves in the wind?

Do you have a business?  Request your TimeMap, monthly personal foresights for 2025.

Dina Carvalho May 26 2024

©dinastro 2024






We time cycles for our individual business affairs using the planetary cycles around Earth.
We time to get foresight of a particular time ahead.
The foresight helps us analyse the venture risk.  Timing gives us security.

Earth is part of the Solar System with Sun in the centre and the planets, Earth, Stars circle around Sun.  We call this model Heliocentric.  From Greek Helios meaning Sun.

The method astrology employs is Geocentric.   From Greek Geo meaning Earth.
In this model we place Earth in the centre with the planets, Sun, Moon, Stars circling around Earth. We are timing for the entity, so the entity becomes the key focus of the chart.

Astrology places the entity as the centre of the system.  In other words:  we plot the chart with the position of the planets placed around the entity, as they are seen at the moment of and from the place of the birth or launch, of the entity.

The entity becomes the centre point, because we time to advance the affairs of the entity, to the exclusion of other entities.  We interpret the planets for the benefit of the individual entity alone, so naturally the entity becomes the nucleus of the system.  

How Does Timing Work?

Standing on Earth, I observe the planets revolving around me in a cyclic motion.  This occurs within a specific time frame meaning the motion has a time.  Every planet has a time frame for its cycle which we can link to a time in the year on Earth.

– Sun transits the sign of Aries in the month of April every year.  This forms a cycle which we can rely on for accurate foresights into the events of the month April.

– Or look at the Moon.  Her movement is much faster, her cycle being two days.
So timing the cycle of the day, I work with the Moon.
She also has a month cycle of 28 days.  This gives us the timing for the month.

And Moon also has a larger cycle of 19 years called the Metonic cycle, (from Meton 432BC astronomer of Athens).  So to gain an insight of the cycle in 2024, look to the changes of 2005.

– We can also time events with Mercury, when his retrograde phase helps anticipate delays.

Timing our activity with the planets helps us to plan our months with foresight of the time.

There are 11 planets which give meaning of time.  Actually I work with 17 planetary elements, to derive time.  Each element moves in its own speed, has its own time cycle, and defines a window of time with foresight of event.  We can time anything.  If it has a date, time and location, its life span events can be tracked in real time.

Timing for your venture, we time the day of the proposed launch, proposal, move, deal.  We time the events that follow after in different time slots.  Timing gives detail of the changes, risks, people, finance, movement, deals, blocks, disruptions, restrains, agreements, breaks, loss, gains ahead of time.

Time defines the parameters; timing the foresight enables you to manipulate the outcome to your advantage, within the parameters.   Parameters are crucial openings of time during which action taken achieves the desired outcome.

Timing Ahead 

Cycles are turning wheels of motion.  Windows of opportunities.

Timing a cycle helps you plan ahead because you have foresight, can time the parameters, can anticipate the turns, time the outcome and define the remedy.

The beautiful thing about the planets is their cycles are reliable and we can plot them in advance.  Technology helps by recording the cycles way into the future.  This makes it possible for us to derive foresight about any particular moment in time, ahead of time.

The Sun is only awake 5am-6pm.  His day transit cycle gives the timing for the day.  You won’t approach the client to set-up a meeting for 10pm for the window of activity is from 5-6pm.

Similarly the planets cycles show the timing for a particular moment in time.   We can time for five years, a year, a month, a week.  Most popular is timing for a day or an hour.  Because every event happens in a moment of time.  Accuracy is key when making a proposal, in a meeting or signing a deal, you want to know about the adversary, you want to see what the moment dictates, you want to feel secure that it works, that it is true, that it will be accepted.

Use the tool of foresight.  Without it you act in the blind.  You risk acting on a day of loss and you risk missing the opportunity to act on a time that ensures favourable returns for you.

Time Threads

Time Threads refer to projection of time which link an event in a particular day to its outcome in a future day and linked to the event or association in a past day.

Cycles time the event, showing the day of movement.  With apt calculations we can derive the time projection to a future day and link it to a past day.  These are called TimeThreads.
Cycles have Time Threads to past and future.    These provide the key to the day.

Look to your association April 24.  The outcome of January 26 2024.

Or look to your activity of April 10:  the breakthrough for May 8 2024.

Cycles of timing are global.  You can apply them to time your business, the markets.


We are timing a present cycle.  Look to your diary and note

May 8 2024:
– key day for the month of May 2024 and the time cycle of June 2023-May 2024.
– expect a breakthrough. Look to meet, agree.  The day shows union.
– purpose to gains of February 9.
– movement for action July 2024.
This day reflects from April 10.

May 8 is the surge from February 9 2024 when:
– Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has directed the military to prepare to evacuate over a million people.
– Musk’s Neuralink switches location.
– Nvidia accounts of April 10 sees breakthrough May 8 2024.

How to use this proactively?

Identifying the day of outcome you can work forward or backward in time to identify the action for the day that offers the most impact of desired return.

Look to your diary.  Note

– Your association of April 10 sees a break, a surge, gains May 8 2024.

– Expect breakthrough of May 8, plan the action for July 15 2024.

– Nancy Pelosi’s husband purchased shares on June 15, December 22 2023. His investment on these particular days shows surge of gains for 2024.

– Planning ahead:  Investment June 6 2024 sees fruition of gains August 2024 and March 2025.

Time your investments.  Key foresights for the year, the month, the day.

Time your action.

Dina Carvalho May 7






Astrology is NOT what you read in the magazines, neither is it what you were told in church.  Not what your fun relationship book writes, nor what you thought would help you in psychotherapy.   Aries, Taurus and the other zodiac signs are not a study of psychological profiles.


Astrology is the Science of Timing.

Astrology measures Time, with Time being a measure of activity.

It is based on the motion of the planets as observed from Earth’s perspective.
It times real life events as they occur on Earth for each individual entity, in real time.

Astrology times events of activity with the planetary cycles.

As Astrologer I work with Time.  I time to advance my clients’ business interests.   I am not a prophetess, a magician, nor clairvoyant.  I work with numbers.

I follow the cycles of the planets as they move around us, to trace the outcome of activity on Earth.  I observe:

–  physical phenomena and interpret the interrelation of time between the movement on earth and the action in the sky.

–  the timing of the cycles and link it with events on earth.

–  cycles ahead, made possible with technology which records them ahead of time.

The foresight gained from these cycles helps with timing an anticipated downturn and gives a time frame for action that will have the most favourable impact.

The system is orientated for the individual, the entity, the business, the venture.
If it exists on Earth, it was born.  If it was born it has a birth day.  If it has a birth day, it has a death day and a life cycle.  The entity has its own chart, a map of time and its events can be timed.

Everything has a life span.  Life means movement.  Movement is circular.    You enter your house, exit, and return. You buy, you sell. Move, stop. New,old.

Everything moves, therefore everything has a cycle.  The cycles of things on Earth can be linked to the cycles of the Planets around the Earth.  The notion that the planets affect us or create changes in our lives is absurd.   Though the Moon tides do pull on the waters of Earth. Planetary cycles merely reflect the cyclic movement of activity on Earth and I use this for Timing.

The cycles tell us things about different periods of time.   They give foresight of time periods of restrain, decline, advance, gains.  Working with foresight in your business helps direct your decisions for better returns.

What plan would you have made if you knew the cycle in 2022 showed water shortages for 2024.  Or the agreement funding of April is delayed.  Or the premises of March 2 are faulty.  How would knowledge of future turns impact your decisions then and your returns now?

Time is relevant because of how it reflects our process.  It has a when, a how, an evolve path, an outcome.

A foresight for a day would show, what to Expect, what to Look To, From what past day, to see what its related to, its TimeLink.

An example of a cycle:   This is a real time foresight.  Look to your diary.
Your association January 11 2024 shows the cultivation of the year 2024.
Your association April 10 sees a breakthrough May 7 2024.
Your association March 11 linked to May 5, June 3 2024.

Every action is based on a decision.  Every decision can be improved with foresight of future turns.  This means you can direct your capabilities with knowledge of the impact.   Timing your business without foresight means you act in the blind.

Do you have a business proposal to submit, a meeting to attend, a contract to sign, a venture to launch?  You want to ensure a positive return to your advantage.

Time your action with foresight.   Email me your request.
Annual, monthly, weekly, daily foresights for your business.

Time your action!

Dina Carvalho April 29






May’s highlight is the Stellium of four planets in Taurus.
The main event being the conjunction of the two large bodies of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.
Whose last meeting in Taurus was in 1940.

May 2024 you can expect breaks, cuts, movement.  Reflects action July.
Breakthrough.  Rain.  Advancement,  innovation.  Technology.
Discovery.  Reveal.
Change in direction.
– The peak of 2024.
– Eruption, surge, gains, breaks, abrupt changes.
– Sudden movement.
– Gains.
– Key days May 2, May 8.  Look to your activity April 10 to see the change in direction.

The breakthrough of May sees action July 2024.


Mars in rulership, reflects
– action, fruit from delay of April, from the direction of March.
– gains, repel constraints of March 11, April 8.
– advance May with return June 1st

May Wisdom:  This month purpose the gains of February 15.  Engage for July 2024.

Written April 13 2024



We plan our days to direct the flow of our activity.
We time our days to control the returns of our activity.

When the door opens, you want to enter the meeting, set up the appointment, travel, agree, propose, sign the contract, with fore-knowledge of returns.

You want certainty that your efforts will turn out to your favour later on.   No one willingly wants to risk a situation that has the potential to turn hostile, be false or result in loss.

Everyone wants the benefit from knowing what returns to expect and when.

Timing your diary with the planetary cycles reveals the events, what to expect and times the outcome.  Cycles denote regularity.  They give the foresight, a message of assurance or warning that removes the uncertainty.

Planning with foresight puts you in a place of advantage.  You time the event with foresight of the outcome.

The Foresight:
gives direction to our plan;
gives a knowledge of future turns;
prepares us to commit or not.

The Foresight helps you to:
plan your meeting, because you know things are true;
time your investment for gains;
time your request for a propitious return;
time investments with foresight of future turns;
self reliance.

The Foresight for this week comes to us from the Sun, centre of our solar system.
Sun is a Light not a planet.  He gives clarity, healing, joy.

Key day April 17 with:
Sun in strength.  The focus is on finance.  Look to your activity of March 20.
Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, the focus on movement.  Breakthrough of May 22 2024.

This week strategy involves the key days of Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

  • Monday April 15
    things are true.  Organise premises.  Deadlines.
    The return of March 19 with outcome April 26.  Association this day sees work July.
  • Wednesday April 17
    look to finance.  Resources, from March 20.  Today investment for April 25.
    Agree for May.
    Break-movement, breakthrough-acquisition linked to February 15, April 10, May 1, 8.
  • Friday April 19
    conclude April 8.  Return of March 26.  Closure/decline for April 22.

You can influence the outcome of your venture.

Plan your diary with foresight of your own personal cycles.

Align your action with your TimeMap.   Request your monthly planner.

Time your action!

Dina Carvalho April 13
© dinastro 2024



Written April 8 2024


Timing with planets gives foresight for your plans ahead.  Without it you plan in the blind.

The word planet is derived from the Greek word meaning wanderer.  Viewed from our Earth, planets travel around us in fixed paths and denote specific passages of time.  The occurrence of a celestial event means we can time our movement with foreknowledge of the outcome ahead.  It has a practical application.

Planetary cycles reveal the event and opens your eye to the foresight of future outcomes.  You can anticipate the event and be proactive in timing the reaction.

Furthermore, a planet cycle in a particular moment of time reveals the timing for another moment in time.  This links time between action and return.   I call these TimeThreads.

Fore- Sight:
–  shows the risk ahead in advance of time
–  helps you align your action with the cycle of the time
–  enables you to manoeuvre the change to your advantage
–  empowers you to modify your response to bring about the result you prefer.

Tracing the path of planets motion we can time years, months, weeks, days, hours.  We can
–  foresee the event, know what to expect
–  link it to a past day it resulted from, the TimeThread
–  link the outcome to a future day
–  plan the response for a day where the cycle reflects success for

This week of April 8 2024 the planet of significance is the Moon, silver queen of the night.
Her transit highlights change.
She is relevant in her conjunction with the Sun where they come together in a Total Solar Eclipse.

Eclipses mean obscurity and reflect hidden things.  This is because one of the celestial lights is concealed.  The path of the eclipse on the earth’s surface is the place of the event shown by the eclipse, with the lore saying that earthquakes follow on the heel of eclipses.  Most recently we have seen earthquakes in Taiwan, Mexico and New York City.   Generally though, all individuals on Earth see an effect from the eclipse.

Timing the eclipse reflects
–  the event is hidden, action is veiled
–  the eclipse includes Mercury, now retrograde, the hidden with accounts of March
–  the remedy from faultiness of March 26
–  the TimeThread is February 28, March 11, April 10
–  the outcome is seen May action, advance, from the constraints of March
–  globally the gathering of armies, assaults, tumults, sedition, drought
–  individually the constrains of March, delay of April, see advancement May 2024.
–  in far-sights, the eclipse advises to stockpile for purpose of March 2026.

April 10:  Moon is queen of the day.  Use this day for meetings, to send requests, proposals.


Because action this day sees the return in May.  What’s more action this day shows union for fruitful engagement May.  The TimeThread is linked to February 15, March 14.  May returns are gains.

Foresight, a powerful tool that caters to each of us with timing our individual pursuits.

Time Your Action!

© dinastro 2024 April




Written March 30


Investment:  what we undertake each day expecting to attain a worthy goal.

Investing:  the effort we exert in our daily lives to acquire the desired return in a future day.

Every day, each one of us invests in various areas of our lives.  We invest our thought, time, energy, action in our work, our business, staff, clients, finance, our home and families, our creative projects, our friends.  Whether we are working, meeting, communicating, reading, driving, walking, baking, socialising, effecting a payment, signing, arranging, we take on the act with a particular goal in mind.

Our days actions are far more effective with the use of our diary, a practical register of our ventures in real time.  Diaries serve as a record of our planned activities, to time our investments, and actions.  They provide the framework of time for our action in our environment.

We work with our diaries to remind us of our pursuits in a particular time within the next day/week/month.  It times our activities with parameters so we know when the one meeting ends and the next begins; when to submit the proposal;  the deadline for the piece of work;  when class starts and ends;  we time so we can arrive on time and be present at the event.  If we miss the time, we miss the event.  Thus we plan a time strategy to direct our daily games to our advantage.

Linking our days actions with the cycle of the planets reveal the cycle of the day and times its outcome.   This becomes urgent, for when the cycle is over we lose that opportunity of advance in that moment of time.   By synchronising your action with the cycle of the planets you ensure the action works because the cycles in the skies reflect the movement on earth.

When we send forth a communication, request or proposal, we wait for sunrise and act with the Sun, when the Sun is up.  Setting up a business meeting for 10pm can hardly be expected to work as well as when setting up the meeting for 10am.  We are Sun farmers, we farm our lives with the Sun.

Similarly, we can set up a party for 10pm.  Only now we work with the cycle of the Moon.  We time the party with the relevant Moon cycle, ensuring the party will be well attended and a success.

Planetary cycles reflect the global flow of time.  They give us foresight of time, without which we are in the dark.   Read the cycles below and keep your project/problem in mind.

April 2024 planetary events reflect:

The Lunar Eclipse of March 25.  The Solar Eclipse of April 8.
– March obscurity extending into April 2024. Look to March 11.  Advance May.

Alignment of Sun Moon Mercury Mars Saturn of April 10.
– Breakthrough of May; the action of July 2024.   The purpose for 2026.  Look to agree, move of May.

Conjunction of the outer bodies of Jupiter and Uranus of April 18.
– The surge for May. The move of November 2024.

Mercury retrograde of April 2024.
– April delay, advances May.

Moon phase.
– Cultivate association of January 11 2024 for April.

Planetary cycles.
– Time enigmas whose key of days lies in your own personal chart.

Plan your diary with foresight of future outcomes.   Request your monthly planner for May.

Time Your Action!

© dinastro 2024 April 1st



Written March 22 2024


Because we all move, talk and work.

Every day.
All the time.
Every one of us.

Mercury, in mythology is the messenger of the gods.  He represents communications.  He conveys information and resources.

A beautiful youth, always on the move, with winged sandals, winged helmet and staff, Hermes is known as the trickster.  The wings give his movement speed, agility and invisibility, necessary to ensure his movement is smooth and without hindrance.
His qualities are confidence, eloquence, changeable, and deliberate.   The job of Secretary of State Blinken represents the principle of Hermes well, as does mischievous Peter Pan and Trump’s verbal communications.

Hermes signifies thought, the written word, speech, movement.  His motion reflects the running of accounts, finance, documents, emails, decisions, messages, news and communications, law, work affairs, meetings, agreements, contracts.   He enables the finance transactions of deals.

He is also a trafficker of information, the agent in the know, with connections to everyone, informant of associations, deals, and finance exchanges.
Yet his main purpose is to convey the message of the activity of the month as indicated by his cycle aligned to the cycle of the Sun.  Mercury is the finance for the action of Sun.

Mercury’s transit is relevant when we want foresight into the outcomes of our business affairs, and when we time our finance, moves, deals and advancement of plans.   When moving direct with Sun, as he naturally does, Mercury reflects things are working on time with clarity.

But his transit this April is in retrograde, where he appears from Earth’s perspective, to be moving backwards in degree.   He has raced ahead of Sun in March and accounts, plans, and deals need to be reviewed in order to restore his closeness to the action of Sun.  The retrograde occurrence alerts us to his cycle of delay, a wait-period.

So…… if you think, if you interact, read, write, talk, move, work, meet, agree, dispute, sign, buy, sell, plan, direct, then expect a delay.  Delay implies no decision, no action, an extension, a focus of the activity of March, a focus on preparation.  This phenomena happens three times a year.

Here is the Key to the Mercury Cycle of April 2024:
Look to your association of March 19 to see the realm of delay.  The resolve is April 28 2024.
Look to your association of March 11 for the focus of April.  Which advances with gains May 2024.

This is why you need timing for your diary.
Now imagine the benefit of knowing this February 12!

Time Your Action!

For the current cycles read the foresights page on
For timing with your personal cycles email me.

© dinastro 2024 March





consist of Planets whose meaning of movement reveal time’s events and outcomes in individual realms of life.   Planetary energies in motion flow toward affinities that naturally manifest in our busy activities.   You attract that which you indulge.    Prediction defines Time within the particular framework of the Individual’s blueprint.   Predictive individual road-maps interpret the symbolism and communicate the future for essential savvy planning ahead.  Foresights grant the ability to choose in advance the difficult road of holes and traffic or the smoother, swifter route to the desired destination.  An understanding into the who, what, how, why and most important when is conferred.


Ruler of life, ruler of the day, the SUN is not a planet but a star!  His energy conveys our day-time activities, reveals what has previously remained hidden.  He discloses the future.   He proclaims the current vitality of the individual and defines the thing questioned about.  The Sun is intimate with the Moon:  analysis of their impact conveys our monthly activities.    The luminaries are the Lord of the Day and Queen of the Night.  They depict our daily and nightly activities.  Positioning the Sun in the chart shows our monthly activities, whilst the Moon defines our daily activities.    Moon is the Queen portraying life’s movements.  When studying their aspects we can predict future outcomes of current actions.



Everything exists within TIME.   Thus the first planet of consequence is…  Saturn, Lord of Time.

Prediction and Forecasting are concepts of time.  What is going to happen?  By the use of our own free will, we fulfill our life script as depicted in the firmament.   Prediction is merely looking into the book of perpetuity about life that exists now.   We can look at any time within that particular life-time.  We can view the inter-relatedness of our life’s activities as they exist in full completion whilst in motion.  The Wheel is always in motion,  as depicted by the Moon, Queen of Change.   Time is seen through the motion of planets every day, every hour.   Each individual person, entity, business, building, animal, vase, rock has a beginning in time which activates the rotating wheel of time expressed in life.

The significance of future foresights is the elective time they provide.   Most current systems in use today are devoid of the crucial element of time because they view the chart as a fixed picture of the heavens unable to provide the defining element of time for which planetary prediction is uniquely valued for.

Consult your personal road-map for incisive foresights….


The Wheel is divided in 12 Zodiac Signs with 12 Mundane Houses, 3 modalities, 4 elements and 7 spinning planets.  The 12 constellations in the Zodiac family define the ecliptic:  Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.  The 4 elements refer to the four temperaments:   phlegmatic observer, introvert, detached;  melancholic thinker, idealist, perfectionist;  choleric extrovert, aggressive; challenging;  sanguine enthusiast, social, adventurous.  The 3 modalities refer to the cardinal leaders, fixed determined, mutable changeable.  The 7 planets in motion are Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon.  The 12 Mundane Houses refer to the identity of the individual, the things they need to live and the expression of activities and associations in their environment.

Prediction uses the reticulate relationships of these elements to foresee the fluctuating effects and outcomes we attract.


When the stars begin to huddle the earth will soon become a puddle..  weather prediction


Foresights reveal what will cross our daily path.  Elective reveal how to manage the foresighted event for advantageous outcomes.   An annual preparation for daily directions, elective planning for successful conclusions.


Formed by the relationship of the Sun and Moon as they move through the skies in relation to the earth.  The luminaries are symbols of light, revealing truth, disclosing the hidden.   Sun conjunct Moon occurs every month during New Moon;  Sun opposing Moon occurs every month during Full Moon.  When the Moon nodes are involved Eclipses occur.  Eclipses veil the truth.  The manifestation of the energy of an eclipse occurs in planetary aspects to the Natal Horoscope.

Planets are Gods who light our immediate weekly, daily, hourly paths and extended annually, monthly, cycles of life.  Timing through planetary motion…


Anticipation of future outcomes influence every decision made.  Forward business forecasting is essential to influence future target acquisition whilst averting uncertainty.  Prediction provides calculated timed clarity on future events.  Use forward foresights as an accurate tool to predict, identify, manage and influence the direction of future time.

Predictive foresights are directed toward manipulating business direction, decisions, plans and outcomes of action.  Essential Business Road Map analysis for planning and defining daily direction.  Calculated planetary cycles present Choice of action for prosperous advancement.

Prediction of future events is enabled through planetary cycles in their unfailing revolutions through space.  Annual cycles are interpreted from the grand outer planetary cycles.  Monthly cycles of the closer planetary cycles depict the monthly direction of time.  There is a time and a place for everything here below as directed from the action in the heavens above.  The 28 day Moon cycle depicts the daily activities coloured by the various communications formed by the planets in motion.   Full Moon indicates the fulfillment of efforts of the month.  The Sun travels in a straight line, moving a degree a day, never retrograde, always true.  The Moon travels swiftly corresponding our busy individual lives, she mirrors our thoughts, intentions and activities, exposing them through her interpretation of time.

The direct motion of the luminaries encourage prediction of future action, events and outcomes.  They light the road ahead.  Foreknowledge enables control of direction.

The machinery of the heavens is like a clock,  in it almost all the variety of motions is from one very simple magnetic force acting on bodies,  as in the clock all motions are from a very simple weight.

— Johannes Kepler

The Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of PREDICTION

Why do we predict?  When do we predict?  How do we predict?  What do we predict?  Who is predicting?

The art of prediction is a necessary skill developed over time to avoid adversity and approach advantage.  To predict means to know in advance an event or outcome.  Prediction has been practiced since the beginning of mankind to protect and support life.  Foreknowledge of future events helped with preparations of security to encourage endurance for longevity.  We predict all the time, good driving is adept predicting what the cars around you are going to do;  predicting if the weather will hold to hang the clothes out to dry;  foreseeing the larder emptying;  planning for the next two days or the next two years;  predicting the outcome of your meeting.  Skilled prediction enables you to plan the action required and to apply the action at the appropriate time;   prediction enables timeous proaction and reaction to secure your immediate and long-term needs.   A necessary integrant, foreknowledge gives advantage in direction decisions.

Three things cannot long remain hidden:  Sun, Moon, Truth   – Buddha


Prognosis stems from the Greek word of pro– before meaning in advance, and gnosis- meaning to know.

Prediction from observed planetary motion has been recorded to be have been used by mankind since antiquity.   The ability to prognosticate accurately became essential in the quest for mankind’s survival and advancement.

Foresights vary in predicting an event, the time of the event and the outcome of the event in future time.     Prognosis of time is derived from the projected position of the movement of the planets, spun forward in cycles of time.

The aim in presenting foresights is to assist with preknowledge of the time of outcome of a particular action.

This is valuable because it enables the timing of a future action with the advantage of foreseeing the result and the time of outcome beforehand.

The dinastro TimeMap is based on mathematical formulae, calculated for each individual entity.   TimeMap projections are procured from the meaning of planetary movement manifesting in future time.  It is a planetary journal of timed actions and outcomes.

TimeMaps reflect time of concepts concerning property,  finance,  health,  recreational activities,  work affairs,  employees,  legal affairs,  equipment,  business products,  sales,  client proposals,  payments,  investments,  the securing of contracts.    Foresights benefit plans by indicating delay in time deadlines, constraint in finance, gain of finance, outcome of proposals, disruptions that result in loss.

–   Predictions reveal cycles within cycles.

–   Cycles are annual, monthly, daily.

Global foresights are calculated with the monthly planetary cycles.   Global provide a view to the prevailing world activities, the platform of operation of those with whom you associate with.  Assessible energy of everyone.

Predictive Foresights unfold the cycles of daily life to help influence the flow of activities to your personal benefit.

dinastro has a keen interest in presenting foresights for business advancement.

The day of a thing’s beginning holds the qualities of that moment of time of its beginning.

The desire for something increases the probability of its occurrence.




The study of the phenomena of time shows time moves in cycles.
Cycles are depicted by the motion of planets.
Your TimeMap charts the planetary movement around you in the present time.
Seen from the earth’s perspective,   planets move around the earth,  forming geometrical aspects with each other.
The aspects they cast from their positions present the event.
This defines the principle of Time.

Time is read by the motion of your personal planets.
Planets depict your business and personal affairs.
The unique placement of each planet forms a pattern.
This pattern is interpreted with the use of keys.
Application of the keys gives the activity within the framework of Time.
The success of the prediction ahead of time is seen by how well the rules are applied.

We can liken the wheel to a puzzle that moves and this is what presents the challenge of linking the event to a time.

The foresights are taken from the position of the fifteen fixed elements on your Natal wheel.  The elements consist of:

– the lights
– the planets
– the planetoids
– the eclipses
– the fixed stars

The position of these elements constitute the fixed wheel of your Nativity.

Advanced forward in time these elements reflect current and future events.
We refer to their motion, advanced forward in time, as being progressed or directed forward.

Measuring the effects of Time, we look at planetary placement and the aspect interactions formed by the various elements comprising the map.
Thus the path of planetary motion act as the clock-hands,  indicating events triggered by their annual, monthly, weekly and daily movement.

Each element has its own distinct definition according to its path of motion.
Each element signifies different aspects in life,  such as the notorious element of disruption, signified by Mars.
The rules apply to all wheels drawn for each span of time.
They give a depth of clarity to the meaning of each wheel which would be overlooked without further calculations.

dinastro e-foresights are calculated around two templates.
One predicts your business affairs of work, finance, contracts, client, investment.
The other template predicts your personal affairs of property, partner, family, finance.
The maps relate outcomes of your business and personal activities in future time.

Activities are chronicled in the present time with predictions of the outcome in future time.
Directions showing future time are divided into the annual year, the month, the week and day.

Of most interest is the calculation which enables the revelation of the outcome in future time from the question of a day past.
This skill has been recently developed.

Each prediction is analysed according to your particular personal individual data.
This approach makes future foresights unique to each individual.

In these times of uncertainty knowledge of future time has a distinct advantage.
Choose the monthly TimeMap for crisp predictions of your personal affairs weeks ahead.

Dina Carvalho May 2020


dinastro TIME MAP

The map is a timed forecast of your activities in the year.
Directed forward foresights reveal outcomes of present actions in future time.

Below is a list of the components of the TimeMap.

Definition of the month’s events.
Prediction of outcome of the month’s activities, in future time.
Business foresights
Personal foresights
Global foresights

Weekly foresights depict outcome of daily activities,   months ahead.
Business foresights
Personal foresights
Global foresights
Weekly foresights are of value because they divulge what time in the week the activity that is shown in the month manifests.

Timed foresights for each day reflect your personal and business affairs  and global events.
Daily forecast of the personal events of the day.
They are of benefit because they indicate the activity in the particular day and defines its outcome in future time.

Daily foresights are projected forward in time to give future outcomes in the elective foresights. Timed prediction of the outcome of the personal events of the day, in future time.
Business foresights
Personal foresights
Partner foresights
Child foresights

dinastro TimeMap.  Timed predictions for personal advantage

dinastro HORARY

In these times of uncertainty knowledge of your future time has a distinct advantage.

Horary is of special merit when you require a prompt, relevant answer to your pressing question of time.

Horary answers your question of ‘when?’
Precise, focused timed prognosis to your urgent question of business.

Horary, a compelling choice for swift, effective foresights of time. your question with a brief history.

Prediction of future events for personal advantage.

Sagacious Prescription of Time






A TimeMap is a dated account of your personal time.

It is worked out from the chart that depicts the planetary positions on the day of your birth.
The chart is unique to you and links your past and present actions to outcomes in future time.

I use the chart to find the synchronicity between times.  This is what reveals time direction.
Judgement is derived from aspects made by the planets in motion.

Calculations are mostly concerned with configurations of geometry.
These are based on a 360 degree circle, divided into the twelve divisions of sign constellations.
These twelve signs are linked to eleven planets, stars and other astrological elements.
The individual position of each of these elements within the chart form connections which communicate a meaning that is related to time.

To decipher the meaning I use the canon of rules and the precepts of traditional astrology.
To understand its significance I interpret the meaning to relate to your own business transactions.
To find its time solution I spin it forward in time.
Often I can only look backwards to a past time.

I work from The American Ephemeris 1950-2050 at Noon by Neil F. Michelsen and Rique Pottinger and in my calculations I use all the planets and the elements tabulated therein.

Every chart is singular because it is concerned specifically with that individual’s particular realm of business activity and its timed outcome.

The foresights are drawn from each element in your chart.
Each element has a distinct value expressing the time action of a particular aspect in your life.

Thus your map is tailor made for you so that its elements apply exclusively to your personal field of expertise showing your business activities and timed results.
This is what makes the TimeMap a remarkable tool for your private use.

Foresights are intimate.    Communications are confidential.

Usually to predict for one unit of time the drawing of two charts is required.   Each element is assessed according to its placement.

The pattern takes me time to calculate, draw, interpret, understand and write because I must find the planetary solution showing the resolve to your question.

I try to write each foresight to portray your individual activity every day and to provide you with a timed answer to that particular activity.   To answer your own question.  To give you foresight of the outcome of your business action in future time.

You can see your own personal business affairs ahead of time in real time!

Who would not profit from working with his unique TimeMap?


Drawn from your personal birth data the TimeMap becomes exclusively yours.
I consider it a time remedy directing questions of current events into future answers.   It is sensitive to your unique business activities and provides a planetary insight about future events from present action.

The process of unravelling a planetary map is riveting.  I love being engaged in the analysis for the owner of a business.  It answers so many questions!  I marvel at the unique solution that emerges with every individual chart.
It is powerful knowledge having an answer of time to your own question.

If you would like to have your foresights ahead of time email me.

I shall venture to explain how the cycle of time works like a clock of rotations.    That you can see an outcome ahead of time in real time!   I shall show how a TimeMap works and you can determine its benefit for your business yourself.   The map is simple and straight forward.

Knowledge of the fulfilment of desire in time is what drives the subject of prediction.   It unfolds time from the present moment.

If you like what you are reading and you want to see future time, email me.    Let’s talk.




In your diary for this day, let’s use today’s day November 16,  you should take care to write all the things you were engaged with on this particular day.

You should also note there that the prediction for this day indicates that the outcome for today’s activities show on the 22nd January 2021.
Then you flip ahead to the Friday of the 22nd January in the year 2021 and you write the words  -Look at November 16 2020.

This practice encourages observation, improves management of every day affairs, benefits decisions, supports strategy and confirms how incredibly useful the foresights become when linking future with present to past time.

This is the best assessment of the value that the TimeMap provides in assisting you in your business.

It would be imprudent of me to think of committing myself to an agreement before consulting my personal foresights for that time period.
I use the predictions to advance my business plans.
Thus every action I commit to or proposal I submit to,  I look to my foresights to see the day’s future outcome.

Knowledge of the future outcome shows the influence of today’s action.  Knowledge of the future outcome guides the decision I make on a certain day.

Naturally I try to make my plans in the days that will be of benefit to my business and bring me to a position of advantage and profit later.
Also of worth is the prediction of the days where I am at a disadvantage.   My TimeMap shows me the day when to expect a loss.

I write TimeMaps for my clients to help benefit their decisions to advance their own business.
The daily foresights inform by showing the outcome of action in future time.  This impacts my choice of action.
And improves my chance of receiving a favourable outcome in future to my current action of now.

A TimeMap is a personal guide predicting the future.   It becomes a vital addition to your diary.
You use it in your every day.

The foresights are personal to you. They help you appraise your day ahead of time.  You read the daily foresight and its predicted time outcome next to your plans for the day.   Every day.
It is an essential tool if you use your diary to note your plans for your business.

A TimeMap presents answers to your very unique personal business questions.
It is a custom made analysis,  written to serve your own business.  it is intimate.   It’s valuable because it prepares you ahead of time.

Currently I write for a select CxOs to assist with their daily decisions in improving their personal business.

Your TimeMap shows time outcomes of things that are personal to you.    While I am available to assist you the decisions you take are entirely of your own choosing.


In their movement planets reflect our movement.  They herald a particular message.
We encounter difficulties when we don’t create the change their movement signals.  And we also encounter triumph when we align our activity with the communication they convey.  The key is to find the meaning in their message.

The Jupiter Saturn conjunction of 2021 is the culmination of their closeness of 2020.

Jupiter signifies increase, growth.
Saturn signifies decrease, constraints.

This conjunction is prominent because it occurs in solstice showing the year 2021.  The focus here is consolidation of activity.  Confinement to one area of expertise.

The message is specialise on your area of strength.
Focus your attention on your expert skill.
Follow the special line of work you have adopted as your career.

Dina Carvalho
November 17 2020