Time flies over us and leaves its shadow behind  – Pythagoras

Cycles of planetary movement indicate the timing of events.  These cycles can be defined for global events and individual actions.  This page gives global foresights.  For individual foresights refer to your personal TimeMap for the year.

Before undertaking a Magical Act consult the Planets,
Be satisfied that the Heavenly omens are favourable,
Then call upon the God of the Hour to aid You in your Task
– Indian Wisdom

‘Deeper knowledge of heaven was first granted to earth by the gift of the gods.’ – Manilius, Astronomica 1, 25.




This page is to provide dated timing for key events around the world as presented in the news accessed online.

Accuracy for timed prediction requires a day to reference from.

All predictions are calculated manually.  I aim to be as accurate as possible to the detail of timing days.

Accuracy is derived from the planetary position at the time of day which is not always available.  As alternative a different approach is required, which reflect a time cycle rather than a day.

Usually with day predictions a day overlap applies.
Cycles are worked out to reflect the time link between years, months, weeks, days.

Foresights are dated according to the planets motion and not with the order of dates.
You may email me to time cycles for your own personal investments and business projects.

Though I apply my expertise knowledge with the calculations, I cannot claim to work out a time for everything.  Note, the correct time of the event determines the accuracy of the foresight.
dinastro is not liable for any consequential, special, direct or indirect losses or damages that may arise out of or caused by following these predictions.  You understand that the foresights are dated to help you, and that all decisions are your own.

Insights are derived from planetary movement sourced from The American Ephemeris of 1950-2050 of Michelsen and Pottenger.  Calculations are manual, using this single book.



Written July 17 2024
Published July 17 2024

July 17 2024
Germany to half aid to Ukraine.
– Reflects disruption October 2024, outcome March 2025.


July 17 2024
China halts talks with US over Taiwan.
– Reflects the action, disruption, confrontation of September 25, October 7 2024.
– Focus on neighbour relations for September 2024, a split.


July 19 2024
Von der Leyen restoration in her position as woman of authority with restrains.
– Advance of September 2024 for 2025.


July 14 2024
Trump disruption reflects the advance of November 2024.


July 9 2024
Secretary Blinken and Nato meeting.
– Sees delay August 6 2024.
– Sees new direction for November 2024. The confrontation, action of 2025.
– The remedy to Trump’s comments of February 10 2024.   Planning for November 2024.
– Sees acquisition for movement February 2025.


July 15 2024
Ukrainian President Zelensky proposed a plan for the talks in November 2024.
– July 15 communication is faulty and will not transpire as planned.


21 June 2024
Elon Musk:   Constraints with pay package.  Split in project August 2024.
– August 2024 sees purpose to investment of 2024 June, restoration of 2020, advance with project of March-June 2023, for direction of 2025.

Dina Carvalho July 2024



Written June 12, 23-25 2024
Published June 25 2024

June 13 2024
G7 Meeting Italy
–  From May 2023.
–  Linked to woman of authority (Giorgia Meloni) from January 29 2024.
–  New direction, plans for October 10 2024.



June 5 2024
Russian President V. Putin warns Russia could deploy long range weapons to strike W targets.
–  A key activity focus of 2025. Linked to Putin-Kim meeting of June 20 2024.  Outcome July 16 or July 21 2024.
–  This day is linked to Putin’s nuclear tests of May 7 2024.


June 21 2024 Russia open to dialogue with US.
–  The outcome from May 27 to Ukraine President Zelensky’s call for peace talks.
–  Breakthrough June 25, 28 2024. Revelation July 15 2024.
–  Conflict, land acquisition August 2024. Linked to May 3 2022.
–  Sees land appointment September 2024. Constrains, purpose, eruption October 2024.
–  Linked to 16 March 2024 Ukraine sky strike force. And January 23 2024 Polish defence package.
–  June 15 2024 peace plan proposal to Russia shows a decline, loss, flaw. International community won’t agree.
–  The focus for September 2024.



Ukraine President Zelensky
Meeting with German Chancellor Scholz June 11 2024 reflects
–  From decline of April 24 2024.
–  Sees engagement August 5? 2024, the focus of November 2024-May 2025.


Zelensky’s Presidency of May 20 2020 sees end May 20 2024.
–  Key days May 21 2024, June 17 2024. Break February 2025.  From March 8 2024



Russian President Putin and N Korean President Kim Jong Un pact of June 19 2024 reflects preparation for action of November 2024, seen October 24 2024.
The action of November 2024-June 2025.



Rahm Emmanuel calls for Japan to help US with missiles inventory and repairs, June 11 2024
Reflects the action for November 2024.


June 12 2024
Nato to adapt nuclear arsenal as response to security threats.
Direction with premises September 2024, movement, operations of October 2024.


UK Elections of July 4 2024
reflects two parties linked, looking to different directions, the focus of 2025.
The outcome to January 10, 24, June 5 2024.

Rishi Sunak:  Changes business premises November 2024.  The ending of 2025 from 24 July 2019.
New direction from February 13 2020, for February 2025.

Sir Starmer:   The gains from his Labour Party Leadership of 4 April 2020.   Movement, operations for 2024 August 28 2024.
Direction with business premises for September 2024.



France Elections of June 9 2024 sees a split for 2025; the focus for 2027.   2025 commences June 2024.
June 30 2024
–  Constraints for Macron.  Sees change February 2025.  Movement, meetings, finance for July 1st.
–  Constraints for Le Pen.  Movement, operations, agreement for July 1st.   Loss or constraints for Bardella.

July 7 2024
–  Disruption for Macron.  A breakthrough for November 2024.  The action of 2025.
–  Joy for Le Pen.    Woman of authority of August, new direction November 2024.  The focus of 2027.
–  Breakthrough for Bardella of 2024 with woman of authority (Le Pen), movement, gains for 2025.
–  The focus of France’s conservative Republican Ciotti’s call of June 11 2024.  For November 2024.



US Elections 2024 reflect the remedy to 2020.  The restoration of Trump.



June 20 2024
Bank of England holds rates.
Working from the interest rate increase of December 15 2021:
BoE delay August 1st 2024, sees action November 8 2024 and break February 2025.
Interest change September 19, November 7 2024, reflects the direction of 2025.



July 15 2024
Republican National Convention.
July 15-16 2024 Group meetings, hidden things, plans for November 2024.  Things are false.
July 17-18 2024 The engagement for September-October 2024, action of January-April 2025.
The outcome of Trump’s resuming trail campaign of June 6 2024.



Fed meetings 2024:
June 12 action for September 2024
July 31  constraints.  Direction change of 2024.  Turning point for 2025.  Gains for November 7 2024.
September 18  turbulence.  Riches.  Gains.  An ending.  New direction from 2023.
November 7  clarity, gains, advance from July 31 2024.
December 18  action for 2025 May,  action from 2022.


Fed raised rates July 27 2022.
–  The remedy of gains, cut is November 7 2024, restoration for 2025.

Fed March 15 2022 raise rates.
–  Linked to February 20 2024 disruption; constraints June 13 2024; outcome break November 8 2024 for December 18 2024, and next break cut May 5 2025.

Fed In 2025 reflects return cycle to June, September 2013, reduced bond holdings.

Fed 2032 action with riches.  Gains.  From March 2022.



Nvidia June 6, 22 2024 reflects loss, or decline.  Linked to remedy November 17 2024, wealth of 2025.



2025, the year of women in authority.  Marine Le Pen, Giorgia Meloni, Christine Lagarde, Ursula von der Leyen, Kristalina Georgieva, Kaja Kallas and others.  Look to June 23 2024.



Globally 2025, the year of neighbouring countries looking away from each other.  Division within governments.

2025 commences June 2024.
2025 = the remedy to constraints of 2020.
What were you doing in 2020?  See the remedy June 2024, action of September 2024.


Globally:  July 8 2024 reflects the delay of August 2024 and the action for November 2024.


Dina Carvalho June 2024





Written May 27 2024
Published May 27 2024

May 6 2024
Israel Rafah
Sees outcome of action, disruption, June 2 2024.


June 2 2024
Opec meeting  reflects two directions:
–  Constraints of March 4 2024.
–  Action with production, investment.
–  Sees change September 6, October 1, 17 2024.


June 5 2024
ECB meeting
Disruption, action, gains from January 22 2024.  Linked to delay of April 11 2024.  ECB rate cuts June 2024.
This lays the trend till March 2025 with the Fed breakthrough July 31 2024.


April 23 2024
BHP acquisition of Anglo sees division in 2025.
Reflects:  Change in direction May 2 2024, agreement May 29 2024.  Conclusion, new direction August 19 2024, stop-start change in leadership November 2024, advance with change in premises, site May 2025.


May 7 2024
Putin’s tactical nuclear drill sees action July 1 of 15 2024.


May 15 2024
South African President Ramaphosa signs NHI Bill.
This sees engagement August 5 2024, disruption, action November, delay December 2024, stop-start 2025 till June 2025, a split in two.


Nvidia and Japan
March 20 2024,   May 14 2024
Reflects action of October 24, November 22 2024 and sees outcome May 2025.

Dina Carvalho May 2024


Written April 24 2024
Published April 26 2024

Israel Rafah news of April 25 2024
shows advance April 26-30, from delay of March 19 2024.
Israel gains land May 6, 31 2024.  A conclusion to October 7 2023.
2024 June disruption, weapons;  July cultivation of conflict, harvest of destruction, linked to November 12 2023.



BHP bid for Anglo America
25 April 2024
Is faulty.
Sees breakthrough May 8, May 21 2024.  Action July 1, outcome August 2024, delay November 2024-June 2025.



China-Taiwan relations
April 10 2024
see an eruption May 7, 21, July 2024.



US Secretary of State Blinken in China
April 25 2024
agreement sees new direction August 2024, movement November 2024, disruption, action with premises 2025.



April 17 2024
Reflects investments for 2025 seen May 2 and May 14, August 2024, November 2024-June 2025.



Changes from increases of 2023 March reflect 2025 seen June 2024.
Rates show a break May 7 for July 2024, September 2024.

Bank of England BOE
Increase rates of August 2 2023 reflects
Breakthrough May 9 2024 for July.
September 19 2024 linked to gains of March 22 2023, remedy to constraints of January 31.
Statement of March 28 sees advance September 2024.


Central Bank of Europe ECB
Increase 20 September 2023
Sees breakthrough May 21 2024.


Federal Bank of America FOMC
Increase July 26 2023 reflects
May 1st restrains  of February 2024, breakthrough July 2024.
September 18 2024 gains.


South Africa Reserve Bank SARB
30 May 2024 constraints.
18 July 2024 breakthrough.
19 September 2024 gains, advance.


Bank of India  RIB
7 June new direction for 2025
8 August  delay 2024
9 October 2024
6 December 2024
7 February 2025 gains, advance from 9 October 2024




Written April 15 2024
Published April 19 2024


S&P 500
Constraints March 4, April 10, May 9, 16, July 8 2024.
Gains May 21 2024.
Disruption, loss April 17 2024.


April 15 2023 reflects:
May 7 2024
– gains May 29, constrains June 2 2024
– disruption, action, breakthrough July 2 2024
– conclusion, land, September 22, October 17 2024.



November 30 2022 reflects
– Gains, expansion, riches, turbulence 2024.
– Key days: March 8, 12, 19. Gains.  Linked to April 20, 30.
– Constrains, purpose March 8 2024.
– Purpose, gains, advance May 2025.
– Breakthrough, advance, gains, eruption March 14, May 7, 12, July 1 2024. Reflects 2027.
– Disruption of March 2 2023, September 28 2022 sees action August 19, September 25 2024, gains April 17 2025.



1 July 2003

2023 movement, operations, sees gains March April 2023.

Opposition, decline October 2023 sees constrains with work/production March 29 2024, constraints, disruption, cutting ties of employees April 2024.

Advance with operations, movement, gains of sales May 2024 from April 2024.

Investment gains, loan, shared resources, rent, premises May 19, 22 (fault), July 18, 22.


April 14 2024 Tesla scouting for premises in India reflects
– Constrains of finance; ties with foreign for June 21 2024.
– Engagement July 22 2024 with deception.
– Commitment July 5 2024 sees action with premises September 25 2024.
– Delay stop-start September 2023-February 2025 with gains, fruition 30 May 2025, and
– Engagement, direction, launch July 2025.

Tesla gains feature July 2025-June 2026, the antidote of ending or closure of 2024.

Tesla gains, acquisition July 3, September 25, December 10 2024, August 4, November 30 2025,

26 September 2026 movement, gains of revenue.
2026 January the cultivation of restrictions, to consolidate, specialise, amalgamate operations and agreements from expansion of 2023.

– Funding, riches, pricing, investor, payment, gains for premises of October 2024 seen May 19 2024.

– Agreement May from delay of April. Action with operations of May from delay of April,  disruption with employee, breaks of March 9, 31, May 30 2024.

– Reduction of employee gains of January 2024, October 2023, January 2022. Constrains, change with business premises.

– Delay with the cultivation and harvest of foreign associations linked to premises, agreements.

– Delay with funding, May 14-August 25 2024 advances September  2024.  Investment riches January 2025.

– Advance with foreign premises May 23 2025, launch, operations sales, revenue gains May 26 2025. From the cultivation of 2024 January 11, April 2.

Elon Musk’s visit to India April 21, 22 2024 is for business premises which reflect occupancy October 2024, from the engagement of July 22 2024, action September 19 2024.

March 1 2025 changes with employees.

Tesla’s stock rise gains of July 2023 sees gains return October 2025.

April 2024 work ending with employee contracts for June reflect gains with business premises for July 2024.

September 2024
– loss, disadvantage with finance linked to decline of November 2023 and January 26 2024
– sees remedy of gains May 2025.

Annual overview for 2024
Disruption with gains.  Action for resources, sales.
Investment gains for January 2025.  Seen May 2 for commitment of July 1 2024.
New direction, business engagement, work premises. July 2024.
Gains of finance.  Advance with foreign association.  Reflects May 26 2025

More detail of inside information of individuals and events for each particular entity is needed to trace the time threads and time the outcome of the foresight.

A day overlap applies.


Tim Cooke Apple successor from 1998,  2011 CEO sees change


Russia March 31 2024
President Putin signs decree on military conscription.
Linked to March 4 2024;  December 1 2023, sees action, conflict? June 26 2024.
Action July,  September 22, August 26,
War of February 24 2022 sees change in direction June 28 2024.



China India  March 22 2024


Nato proposed funding for Ukraine  April 2 2024
Reflects the funding of 2024 June 2 with constraints.   Linked to January 11, June, July, October 2024.


Blinken Jamaica March 11 2024
Hidden things.  Conflict May 6 2024.  From April 8 2024.
Sees constrains June 2025.


China US military talks  5 April 2024


Finland extends border closure with Russia
Thursday 4 April 2024
From January 11 2024 reflects the year 2024.
Key days of events:  April 4, May 27, June 23, July 21, November 8 2024.


Google’s Gemini

Project of September 2022-March 2023.   Investment of 2024 splits in two parts June 2024.  Sees gains, advance June 2024-2025.

Apple and Google Gemini  18 March 2024 reflects July 5?, September 10?,  October 2024.
stop-start delay September 2024-February 2025, advances March 2025.

Google considers charging for AI internet searches  April 4 2024
Sees harvest of wealth acquisition December 2024-March 2025.

Dina Carvalho April 2024





Written and published March 18 2024

March 13 2024
Russian President’s nuclear communication reflects disruption May, action July 2024.

March 14 2024
North Korea’s leader orders troops to prepare for war.
Timing reflects move, escalation, eruption April 10, May 8, July 2024.

March 15 2024
Nato ready to send troops to Ukraine.
Timing reflects June, August 2024.  The outcome of action of January-March 2023.

March 16
Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu approves plan for attack on Rafah.
Timing reflects March 30 2024 with land appropriation for June, August 2024.

March 17 2024
David Rosenberg sounds alarm on economic recession.
Timing reflects June, August 2024.
Markets sudden turn May 2024.

Written 29 January 2024
Published 30 January 2024

January 16 2024 German Minister of Defence plan for Russia reflects:
Gathering of naval military April 2024
Potential conflict June 2024, September 2024-May 2025.


US President Joe Biden meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the White House on 9 February 2024 reflects:
Acquisition of January 12, for action February 22, March 8 2024.  Linked to breakthrough May 8 2024, harvest January 30 2025.


Special EU emergency summit meeting for budget for Kyiv February 1 2024 reflects:
Constraints.  Confined, sparse.
Linked to September 15 2023.
Key days:  Restrains February 11, loss disadvantage February 28 2024, disruption March 27.  Agreement of February 2 2024 = falsehood.


December 14 2023 Hungary’s Orban, Eu meeting, sees:

  • delay, disruption December 2023, January 2024,
  • agreement March 4 2024,
  • action, direction March 31 2024
  • outcome, remedy, division, neighbourly relations 2025



Russian President Putin meeting with President of United Arab Emirates in Abu Dhabi December 6 2023 reflects:

  • link to meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un September 13 2023 (with delay). Hidden things.
  • link to meeting in Kyrgyzstan October 12 2023, hidden things.
  • clarity, revelation February 25 2024.
  • March 24, April 20 gathering of army, security, closure, boundaries confines.
  • Disruption, action May 17? 2024.
  • Potential for disruption, conflict of 2025.


US Fed meeting January 31 2024 reflects a decline, disadvantage, end.
Remedy of gains, advantage, increase July 30, September 18 2024.

Bank of England Policy meeting February 1 2024 reflects constraints, rein, damper, restrain linked to security/potential conflict of March-April 2024.


Jobs sees decline February 27, June, May 30 2024.




Megacap earnings

Apple AAPL   Amazon AMZN

  • February 1st 2024 reflect restrain, hindrance, constraints, consolidation. Constraints April 2024.


Alphabet GOOGL   Microsoft MSFT

  • January 30 2024 reflects riches, gains with domination, control, assimilation, taking over, assimilation of other companies, turbulence.   April 21 2024.



  • February 2 2024 reflects faultiness, disruption, action from November 13 2023. Increase, gains May 2024 after an expulsion.  Action,  direction, house change August 2024-May 2025.


Elon Musk’s xAI artificial intelligence company investments of January 19 2024 reflects surge of gains,  breakthrough advance, May 8 2024 seen February 9, 15 2024, harvest January 2025.


Blackstone QTS Data Center construction in Phoenix May 11 2023 reflects:
Time Directions Far Sights

  • Sees delay from August 2021, August 2020, February 2021
  • Delay with accounts, documents, plans, communications, finance till August 2023, then movement, restoration, investment riches September 2023,
    gains, advance, operations November 2023.
  • Gains, advancement of direction, building, premises, accounts, communications, finance, gains, clarity, breakthrough February-March 2024,
  • May 2024 gains, breakthrough, advance – outcome from November 2023.
  • Supplies May June 2024, work, test, investment, hidden April 2024 for action of July 2024-April 2025.
  • Premises development, ownership, direction, August 2024 which reflects the stop-start cycle for project development, premises of November 2024-May 2025.
  • January 2025 a loss, decline, ending from gains of December 2023, the outcome of May 2024.
  • March-June 2025 the outcome of investment of April-June 2024.
  • Outcome of project started in 2020, sees movement, operations, wealth acquisition July 2025.
  • Project outcome 2029

Time Transits Short-Term Foresights
2024 = wealth acquisition from delay of May 2023
Seen in

  • 2024 January 12 the seed
  • 2024 January 20 clarity, premises
  • 2024 February 9 accounts, finance, plans, documents, comms
  • 2024 February 15 disruption, action, agreements, acquisition
  • 2024 February 22 disruption, action, agreements, operations
  • 2024 December 5 cultivation of wealth, 2025 January 29 harvest, finance, accounts, communications
  • 2024 cultivation of working premises, resources of property, sees gains of resources, revenue, August 2024, January 2025.

©dinastro January 29 2024



Written 23 January 2024
Published 24 January 2024


Initial release date November 30 2022 reflects advance April 19 2023, constraints, purpose February 11, action May 30 2024.

Stable release January 10 2024 linked to February 19 2024, the cultivation of 2024.  Gains, a split in two May 16 2025.


Musk Tesla board of January 18 2024 sees outcome May 2024, gains.  This reflects the increase in gains of 2025.


Davos meetings of January 2024 17 reflects hidden things, confrontation, action for June 2024 seen March 12, April 8, May 9, 30 2024.

Davos January 16 2024:  Vicki Hollub President of Occidental Petroleum:  2025 global crude oil supply will decline.

Oil:   increase, gains March, May 2022.  Decline October 2023.  Constraints April 2024, action June 2024.  Cultivation of resource, drilling? 2024 seen March 11 2024, September 18 2024, gains, advance, two sources April 25 2025.


North Korea’s Kim war warning January 16 2024 reflects hidden March 11, 25, April 21 2024, conflict May 5 2024.  Outcome March 29, April 25 2025.

US sends nuclear sub to Busan South Korea 15 June 2023 reflects action, eruption, sudden movement 2024 March 29, April 7 2024.  April 10 2024 gathering of naval military for action May 5-8 2024.


Argentina’s Milei inauguration December 10 2023 sees movement, outreach, breakthrough April 17, May 2024, July 8 2024,  disruption, conflict, action August 2024-June 2025, Key day May 12 2025.


China drills around Taiwan 2023 August 19, September 2, 2024 January 18 reflects gathering of army April 2024, action, potential for conflict May 2024.


Bitcoin gains of December 7 2023 reflects constraints, control April 2024.


Houthis – US January 15 2024 reflects conflict, gathering of armies, naval conflict March-June 2024, key days 2024 February 27, April 6, May 3-6, 30.



2024 increase in homeless, displaced, movement, migrants.  Movement, surge from May 2024.

2024 January 25-27 reflects outcome from October 28-30 2023, engagement of April 24 2024, disruption August 19 2024 with action November 14 2024, the stop-start action of November 2024-June 2025.

©dinastro January 24 2024


Written 18January 2024
Published 19 January 2024

2024 is the change over time which will determine the wealth acquisition of the next 20 years.  Key months 2024 February, May, 2025 February.

2024-2044  reflects the outpouring of knowledge, change in societies, formation of groups, clans, small states, break away states, break away off grid communities, non-conformist societies, migration, migrants, displaced, rebels, expelling, explosion, nomading, indigenous.


2024 is the break away from past beliefs, breaking the boundaries of past constraints of 2020, no fixed work location, no fixed times, no routines, time focus on creative projects, gold, technology, big conglomerates, autocrats, communications, technology, outpouring of knowledge, no copyright, groups (apps),  antique old becomes of value, rarities, great wealth amassment, great discovery, space travel, control of distribution, centralisation, control of finance, digital currency, prediction, mathematics, extra terrestrials, advancement, social- no privacy, no segregation.


2024 changes, movement, eruptions, explosions, great wealth acquisition.

Explosion seen May 7-8 2024.  Military gatherings, conflict March 7.

Seed of January 12, agreement of February 19;  financed (behind scene secretly)February 8, sees disruption February 13;  agreement to engage in conflict February 17 (February 17 shows conflict of June 2024- 2025); action February 13 for mobilised action May 5 2024, disruption, firing, explosion March 7-8 2024, explosion 7 May 2024. Conflict from 2024 June  –  into 2025 separation, conflict between 2 parties for control centralisation, bipartisan, neighbouring states, siblings, increase in twins, dual,

2024 the start of the next phase till 2044.  Then from 2044 focus on water, seas, bitcoin, spirituality, integration, poisonings, deception, fashion, islands, hidden, privacy, oil, gas, liquids, drugs, genetics.


2020 control constraints Covid    2021 breakthrough    2022 forced integration Ukraine    2023 gains

2024 expulsion

2025 gains of action September 2022-March 2023;  gains from 2020;   fruition of cultivation of 2024 January, April, July.


Russian Elections March 15-17 2024 reflect

  • Turbulence.  Deception.
  • Gains of May 6 2024.
  • Restoration of 2020.
  • Harvest of February 2022 seen May 10 2024.
  • Operations June 20 2024, disruption September 11 2024

The advance of the usurper, breakthrough of the demagogue seen May 8 2024.


Blackrock’s Larry Fink interview on CNBC January 12 2024 reflects:

  • The action of February 16 2024.
  • constraints, control, regulation of crypto (Bitcoin, Ethereum) March 2024, from gains of 2022, riches April 2024
  • Digital currency of 2024 May 28
  • gains, advance July 2024, disruption, action July 16 2024, breakthrough
  • action, cultivation of wealth, agreement December 5 2024 sees delay until outcome May 18 2025
  • acquisition, gains January 27 2026.


Far sights for Investments

Gains of 2022 see constraints, purpose of use March 2024-2025.

Gains of 2023 see constraints, purpose of use 2026-2027.

Action, disruption of September 2022-June 2023 reflects gains 2025.

Cultivation of 2024 from constraints of 2020.

Increase, gains of 2023 continue 2024.

Gains, breakthrough of May 2023-August 2024 see inverse November 2023.

Gains of 2023 see inverse 2023 October, action May 2024.


US Presidency of November 2024 reflects

  • 2024 restoration of 2020- Trump
  • Disruption, action, conflict February 8 2024
  • December 13 2023.


Bild 2024 January 15 says Germany preparing for war Nato-Russia

Reflects military gathering March April 2024 for action May 2024.


June 2024 reflects conflict of June 2024-June 2025.

Conflict of neighbours/siblings (Middle East, N S Korea, Russia-Ukraine, China-Taiwan) from March 2024 seen June 2024.


Nato Admiral Rob Bauer

Of January 18 reflects conflict of June 2024.


Conflict February 8, 22, March 8.  Explosion May 8 2024.


US Houthi January 13 2024 reflects:

  • conflict of April 2024

©dinastro January 19 2024



Written January 12 2024

January 11 2024 Finland extends closure to February 11 2024.
February 11 2024 constraints, closure extended for March 2024.
Breakthrough April 11 2024.

– January 10, 11 reflects 2024.
– January 11 reflects February 2024.
– January 14 the constraints of March 2024.
– January 17 advance of April-June 2024.
– January 19 the gains of May 2024.

Trump US Supreme Court decision of January 5 2024 reflects
hidden things, action February 2.  Arguments of February 8 2024 see disruption, action, conflict in relations- linked to January 11.  Decision of March 5 2024 reflects restoration, the cultivation  of 2024, disruption, action of August 17 gains, advance for Trump September 23 2024.
The chart of January 6 2021 will give further insights.  – soon to follow.


US UK Yemen Houthis
Escalation of January 11 2024 reflects:
–  constraints with sea March 2024.  Military gatherings April 2024.
–  the cultivation of 2024.
–  conflict February 8 2024.
–  the conflict of 2024-2025 seen June 2024.
–  Key days:  2024 February 8, May 27 2024, August 17 conflict.

19 November 2023 Galaxy leader Houthi rebels reflects:
–  constraints, security, conflict March  2024, eruption May 8 2024.
–  a return January 13, February 9 2024.
–  delay, extended conflict December 2024.
–  conflict February 22 2024.  Military gatherings.
–  funding, acquisition January 12, 20, February 8, 14, 16 2024.
–  key days 2024 May 22, June 9 2025.
–  outcome March 28 2024, August 6 action of November 2024-May 2025.

18 December 2024 US Operations Prosperity reflects
–  loss, disadvantage February 27 2024
–  constraints March 2024
–  gains, advance, conflict 12 January 2024, May 27 2024.
–  key days February 28, April 5, May 30 2024.

9 January 2024 US UK drones and missiles reflects
–  outcome from December 12 2024
–  disruption, explosion of Jul;y 2, 16 2024.
–  conflict of September 25 2024.

January 12 2024 Sunak visits Zelensky reflects
–  change for Zelensky self March 2024
–  conflict of February 22 2024
–  funding, acquisition of January 12 for January 20, February 4, 13, 17 2024.
–  eruption, explosion May 8? 2024.

2024 eruptions, explosions, sudden breaks – movement, revelations, technological advance, invention, breakthroughs, artificial intelligence, currency changes.  The outcome of constraints of 2020 (2020-2021).
2024 reflects
–  the harvest of action of January 2023 (effort of September 2022-June 2023).
–  the cultivation of 2024 for harvest 2025.

©dinastro2024 January 12



Written December 20
Published December 22

December 18
BP pauses oil tanker transits through the Red Sea sees decision January 14, constrains March 2024.

Fed restricts rate hikes March 2024, rate cuts May for July 2024.


US Senate Ukraine decision:

  • delay of December 13 2023.
  • sees return January 9 2024.
  • gains January 12 for January 17, advance, restoration January 25 2024.
  • constraints March 2024.
  • wealth funding January 12, 21, February 2024.


2023 December 20
Warner Bros Discovery CEO Zaslav ad Paramount Global CEO Bakish meeting sees union March 2024, breakthrough May 2024, delay with accounts June 2024.
Key Days:
Gains March 11.  Hidden March 26.  Delay, constraints, disruption April 23.  Gains, advance May 5.  Outcome of gains riches, constraints, consolidation June 1st 2024.  Gains June 28 2024.   From February 8, February 10 2023.  Gains 2025, outcome 2026.


December 15 2023 Blackrock reflects wealth January 21, February 8 2024.


December 19  Michel Hofman warning of Balkan states sees riches April 2024 for action May 2024.   March 2024 military gathering.


Globally:  Gains of wealth of January 21 2024 reflects May 22 2024, linked to hidden, loss, ending of October 2023.

©dinastro 22 December 2023



Written December 12 2023

December 12 2023
Zelensky visit to US to appeal for funds for Ukraine reflects delays for December, acquisition January 2024.
Key days December 27 gains, things are true;  January 11 acquisition;  January 24 outcome of December 15 2023.  Funds January from delay of December for military gathering of February 8, 22 2024.


Xi Vietnam
Sees action July, October 2024.


Trump of December 13 2023 reflects US presidency of November 5 2024.


EU summit for Ukraine December 13-15 reflects the
–  delay January 2024.
–  cultivation of 2024.
–  action of September-October 2024, unity, success 2025.

©dinastro 2023 December 12


Published December 7 2023

News of December 8 will reflect ending, closure, cessation.
News of December 9-10 will be misleading.  Hidden things, potential for falsehood.


Crisis of Mexico US sees restrictions, control, security March 2024.


Federal Reserve Bank of America rates raised of Thursday 17 March 2022
(At this time of writing 6 December 2023, 17:38SAST the news predict Fed may cutback July 2024).

Below my predictions:

Fed rate increase of 17 March 2022 sees decline October 2023, constraints March 2024, cut breakthrough May seen July 2024, gains June 2024.

Time Links Fed Rates Increase of 2022, 2023, 2024

March 17  reflects increase, gains of 2022, 2023 see decline October 2023.
May 5   reflects action May 2023, disruption October 2024
June 16  reflects disruption of February 2023, cessation October 2023, cultivation of 2024.
July 27  reflects July 2023, sees action November 2023, disruption November 2024.
September 22  sees disruption November 2024.
November 3   increase, gains of 2022 March, 2023 May, 2024 October.
December 15  return of March 2022, continuation till August 2023.  Increase from June 2022, disruption of February 2023.

February 1  disruption from June 2022-March 2023, harvest of 2024.
March 23  Increase, gains, direction of 2023.
May 3   reflects peak of 2023, cessation October 2023.
July 27  fixed rate of November 2023, remedy to May 2024.

January 31   ending, decline from October 2023.  Cessation to March 2022, no movement.
March 20  as of September 2022, action of August 2024-June 2025
May 1   decided from direction of March 2024 reflects breaks May 2024.
June 12  the return of March 2022.
July 31  gains, from disruption of February 2023.
September 18  benefit, gains linked to increase of 2023, June 2024
November 7  acquisition.  Linked to June 2022.
December 18  disruption of August, November 2023, outcome of March 2024.

September 2023 breakthrough, cutting of ties, break for July 2024.

October-November 2023 acquisition from disruption of February 2023, from action of June 2023 reflects the cultivation of 2024.

Full circle from March 17 2022 reflects 2024 June.

Direction of July-August 2022 reflects March 2024, the focus of November 2024-July 2025.


Brief insights with Federal rates history
March 17 2022 increase sees outcome May 2024.
March 3 2020 decrease reflects cultivation of 2024.
August  1 2019 decrease reflects March 2024, August, November 2024-2025.
December 17 2015 increase reflects 2022.
October 8 2008 decrease reflects cultivation of 2024.
September 18 2007 decrease and June 30 2004 increase linked to housing reflect September 26 2024, the focus of October 2024, January-April 2025.

Recession of 2008, reflects 2020, 2024.

Gains, increase of 2022, 2023, see constraints 2024 March-April 2024, benefit April-June 2024, purpose, consolidation April 2025.


Russia sets Presidential vote date for March 17 2024.
Reflects decision of November 29 2023, hidden of December 7 2023, action of October 7 2024.


US Republican Senate block funding of aid for Ukraine Israel
Sees delay December 2023, restored January 10, agreement January 21, funding February 8 2024 and coincides with Russian military mobilization of December 1 2023.


Google AI Gemini model sees development 2024 with gains, advancement June 2024, and 2025.


December 14 2023 ECB meeting delay sees action January 11, 25, outcome February 9 2024.
October 13 2023 cessation of movement.
June 15 2023 increase sees break July 2024.


Xi EU leaders meeting December 7 2023
Sees movement May 2024.
Constraints March 2024, sea focus April 2024.

©dinastro December 7 2023


Written December 6 2023


German Factory loss or decline of October 2023 sees resources February 2024, investment constraints March 2024, advance, gains May 2024.


Zelensky address to US Senate.
Reflects the delay cycle of Mercury in Retrograde of December 2023.  Decision delay, extension of funding, advancement January 2024 with outcome acquisition February 2024 with changes for Zelensky himself and his position March 2024.
Enmity in relations December 6, linked to association of December 1, restored December 19, January 5 2024.  Deception March 2024.  Disadvantage in funding from October 2023 sees constraints March 2024, June 2024.


Russian President Vladimir Putin trip to Middle East for meetings of December 6, 7 2023
–  sees outcome March 2024, constraints, control, gathering for security stores with oil, gas, water, – riches of May 2022, April 2024.
–  stems from disadvantage, decline, loss of October 2023
–  sees delay January 2024.
–  sees constraints, gathering, security, restrictions March 2024, gains April 2024, action May 2024.
–  gains of May-July 2024 linked to seed of July 19 2022.
–  association of July 2022 meeting sees disruption, action May 2023, October 2024. (The remedy to January 2024).
–  initiative to association of July 2022 sees gains, uranium, revelation April 2024, event July 15 2024

©dinastro2023 December 6


Written December 4 2023

South Africa Delay with Pension Systems sees decision February 2024 for division June 2024.

China – US Navy December 4 2023
Signals movement, sea, gathering of forces March-April 2024.

EU funding for Ukraine December 4 2023.
Delay December 2023, funding February 2024.  Gathering of forces 2024 February March April 2024.

US funding for Ukraine December 3 2023
– refers to loss, decline of October 2023, constraints March 2024
– security, gathering of forces April 2024.

ESG  investing of March 1 2023
– sees a disadvantage, loss or decline October, December 2023,
– January 2024 funds for acquisition of July 2024.
– October 2024 disruption, action.

Bitcoin gains of December 4 2023
sees riches, regulations March, April 2024.

Russia increases military 1 December 2023
– stems from losses of October 2023
– sees delays December 2023 January 2024, from December 11 2023
– movement, provocation February 8 2024
– movement, conflict, gathering, meetings, response February 21 2024
– gathering of forces, constraints, February 27 2024
– disadvantage, constraints February 28 2024.

Ukraine-Russia conflict of February 24 2022
sees restoration December 1, return February 2024, outcome June 6 2024, August 2024.  Neighbours unity 2025.

Employment declines May 2024.

A shock surprise – end April 2024.

X of Musk of October 27 2022 sees decline, disadvantage October 2023, change in premises with site February 2024, break April 2024.

Israel Palestine of October 2023
December 8 2023 a cessation, decline, loss.  February 2024 land acquisition.
June 2024 a two-state solution.

©dinastro 4 December 2024


Written December1st 2023

– see constraints, control, regulation March 2024.

X (Twitter) reflects a closure, disadvantage October 2023, November loss, restraints March 2024.
December 2023 breaks.  Constraints.
February 2024 wealth injection.

Israel War of October 7 sees decline December 1 2023.

©dinastro December 1 2023


Written 28 November 2023

US government
– Shutdown 2023 November 16-17 reflects wealth funding of January 2024.
– Deadline of January 19 2024 gains, unity, breakthrough.
– Deadline of February 2 2024 reflects things are faulty, agreement, return of November 12 2023.
Closure reflects November 2024 disruptions with delays.

G7 Summit
– set November 10 2023 for 13-15 (or 17-19?) June 2024 reflects a disadvantage October 2023.
– a split in two, engagement, advance, unity, agreement, funding for 2024-2025 seen August-October 2024.
– from May 20 2023.  Reflects cultivation of investments 2024 for engagement 2025.

Taiwan election January 13 2024 reflects eruption, break May-July 2024.

Israel October 7 2023 sees an ending December 1st 2023.
Conflict of November 2023 sees relations December 2023.

Biden – Xi
Meeting November 15 2023 sees association July-October 2024.
From disruption of June 18 2023.

March 2024
Gathering of military forces.
Constraints.  Security measures.
Constraints from endings, closures of October 2023.
Investment gains April 2024.
Movement with engagement of December 2023.

Neighbouring relations of US; Ukraine;  Israel;  Taiwan;  Koreas;  India.
– disruption of September 2022-March 2023
– action from June and September 2023
– outcome 2024 June-April 2025:  Duality.  A choice of two.

Argentinian President inauguration of 10 December 2023
sees engagement with foreign, investment December 2023-March 2024.  March 2024 constraints.  Gains, funding May 2024.   Break, eruption July 2024.   August 2024 constraints from October 2023.  Disruptions November 2024 from August 2024.

Ukraine Russia war of 22 February 2022
Sees decline of investment October 2023, February 2024.  Constraints March 2024, disadvantage, decline, loss April 2024.   January reflects restoration of conflict May 2024.  Destruction reflects February 8 2024 linked to August 2024.
Conflict February 2024, military gathering April 2024.
2025 wealth acquisition, land appointment for Russia, gains of 2025.

Ukraine EU membership bid assessment December 14 -15 2023 sees hindrance.  Reassess 2024 January 11, 22, March 5, delay July 31, August 16, advance September 12, union, success 2025 May.

Zelensky and Lachlan Murdoch meeting November 20 2023 sees movement January 25 2024 operations, July 2024.

Russian elections 2024 March 17 return of March 18 2018.

Finland border closure of November 28 2023 expected to reopen December 13 will see delays, and closure extended to January 9 2024.

2023 April 15 Sudan War sees destruction, loss, decline, October 2023, operations, hidden things January 2024, constraints March 2024, break April 2024.

2023 November 28  CIA Director Burns talks in Qatar reflects
– ending to conflict of October in December 8 2023
– acquisition December 15 2023
– land designation for December 26 2023, January 24 2024.
– outcome of October 7 2023.

October 13 2023
Blackrock’s Larry Fink project sees gains with oil, gas, water, crypto, 2024 March 10, March 25, April 22, linked to May 24 2022.

2023 June 16
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron
– projects sees cultivation for 2024, gains, success, growth 2025.
– key cycles:  Action 2024 January 22, cultivation 2024 August September 23.

Ariel Emanuel of Endeavour
2023 October 25 reflects action March-April 2024, success, gains July 2024.
Restraints, security, consolidation February 2025, gains April 2025.

Globally including yourself:  The riches of 2022 sees gains 2023, benefit 2024.

©dinastro November 29 2023


Written October 15 2023
Israel conflict of October 2023.
October 15-17 news are false.   Things inferior.  Disruptions.  Accommodation.
October 16  a restoration.  Cultivation of engagement for November.
October 18-19 hidden things.  Movement.   Confrontation.
October 20-21  Clarity on disruption of October 7.
October 22  gains of land for January 2024.
October 23  agreement, union, resources.  Direction of November 2023, February 2024.

November 2023 cultivation of conflict.  Key 13th.
March 2024 gathering of forces.  Key February 22.
March 2024 security.  Constraints from October 2023.  Investment for May 2024.


Written October 10 2023
Israel conflict of October 7 day timing:
October 11-14 hidden things.  Concealment.  Confinement.
October 11 planning for movement of October 13.
October 13  concealment, deception.  Sea.  Riches.
October 14 Annular Solar Eclipse.  Hidden things.  No clarity, fog.
Cultivation of conflict from September 18 2023.  Concealment.  Hindrance with communications.  No movement.  Ending.  Closure.  Conclusion.  Constraints.  Security, outcome of October 11.
October 15  Moon with Mars, god of war.  `Resources.  Disruption.
Focus on resources.
October 16   restoration.  Cultivation of conflict.  The action of November 2023.
The movement of October 7 sees outcome October 21 2023.
The closure of October 14 sees movement October 27.

Annual timing for 1967 5-10 June.  shows 2023-2024    Disruption, confrontation, conflict October 2023.  Constraints March 2024.  Decline, loss, destruction October,


Written October 7 2023

Israel conflict of today linked to 10 May 2021, from October 1st, reflects cultivation of conflict of October-November 2023.  Timing:  outcome 2023 October 19, 21,  communication November 15. October 14, 15 potential for destruction, end, decline.  Outcome November 10 2023.
– calculations ongoing.

Far Sights for Investments:

Gains of 2022 see constraints, purpose of use March 2024-2025.

Gains of 2023 see constraints, purpose of use 2026-2027.

Action, disruption of September 2022-June 2023 reflects gains 2025.

Cultivation of 2024 from constraints of 2020.

Increase, gains of 2023 continue 2024.

Gains, breakthrough of May 2023-August 2024 see inverse November 2023.

Gains of 2023 see inverse 2023 October, action May 2024.


Published October 5 2023

October 3 2023

Ukraine War:  West say their military stockpile is low.  October 4 2023 reflects action January 24, February 7 2024.

Constraints with military.  Groups of military gathered – reflects end February, March 2024.

Germany restores coal plants for November 2023.

Rout in government bonds sees wealth February 2024, constraints March 2024, remedy of gains June 2024.

October 2 2023:

EU Foreign Ministers hold first-ever summit outside block, in Kyiv pledging continued support.    – Reflects 2023- 2024, with disruption May-August 2024.

China’s growth decline October 2023 sees constraints March 2024.

Potential recession.  Conflict.   Seen 2024 February.

2023 June US China meeting sees action July, September 2024.

2015 30 May US China sees turbulence, focus on sea, hidden things, deception, constraints March 2024.

July 7 2023 EU deal to accelerate the production of munition and missiles sees constraints March 9, April 5 2024.


Written Week of September 24.
Published September 29 2023

–    Constraints, conserve from 2025.

Interest rates hikes from 2022 see constraints March 2024.

2023 September 30, October 14.  Closure.  Ending.  Shutdown.  US Government?

US government shutdown October 1st sees breakthrough October 30 2023.

SAG-AFTRA strike action of July 13 2023
Sees gains January 2024.
Hidden things.  From June 6 2023.
Outcome of disruption of January-March 2023.  Constraints September 7 2023.  Outcome seen September 24 2023 for January 2024 gains.   October 4 2023 a decline.  Communications, accounts.  November 28 Joy.  December documents, writing, accounts, January agreement, gains.  February action.

WGA May 2 2023
Sees gains March 2024.  Restoration November 9, decline September 3, gains, ending September 28 2023.

Ukraine War February 24 2022 sees a decline, loss October 2023, February 2024.
New direction May 2024.
Putin disruption July 2023, July 2024-April 2025.

Taiwan working from the dates:
3 September 1954:   reflects opposition, dispute, conflict, disruption 2024.
1 January 1979:    2022 September-June 2023 conflict, disruption, aid.  2023 September constraints, October acquisition for 2025.
2 January 2019:    Key days:  2024 January 13,  Conflict 2024, with aid from November 2023.
– this is ongoing as still busy with calculations.

5 November 2024 United States Elections:    Ron DeSantis?

Finance constraints March 2024 from decline of October 2023.    Recession?

UAW strike September 15 2023 sees talks October 5, decline October 14, gains October 26, agreement November 9 2023.