dinastro Predictive Business Foresights SEPTEMBER 2019

Global energy focus for SEPTEMBER features:    September highlights favourable outcome of property affairs from June.  New direction, move, property affair of September sees outcome December 2019.    Gain, success, fruition in property affairs.   Constraints, loss in financial affairs sees outcome in October.  A time of increased work busyness.  Favourable for daily routines of work deadlines, health regime, hiring and retrenching of employees, meetings and courses, investments.  Favourable for cutting ties with employees and project endings.   Favourable for business contractual affairs from June, business/client funding.   Favourable autcome for foreign associations, education, legal matters from August.  Favourable gain in investments, and legal settlements.  Favourable for property buying/selling.   Financial and property affairs of September see outcome in March 2020.   Foreign matters, legal affairs of September see outcome in March 2020.

Eventful days for action and commitment:  31st August focus on foreign affairs and education for September;   6th September action toward new direction of property affairs for December;  13th September fulfilment of contracts from ventures of June;    21st September agreements related to status of ownership from June, conclusion in December.     Full Moon 14th.    

September is favourable for property affairs and investments.  A good time for action.  This is in contrast to October highlighting financial loss, weakness of investments, weak business client affairs, weakness in property value.