dinastro FORESIGHTS APRIL 2020 WEEK 20-26th


Affairs of the month of April 2020 sees outcome of movement in July 2020.

Change in status of movement of the month of April see outcome of movement,  potential mortality,  disruption July 2020.

Mars Saturn month of April-June 2020 signifies  constraints,  scarcity,  security.   This cycle of the month of April 2020 reflects the year 2021.     

19th April ends the planetary month of April 2020.   

20th April begins the planetary month of May 2020.

Peak of the week of the 20th April are the days of the 23-24th April.        Activities of the day signify activities of the month of May 2020.  

MAY 2020

The planetary month of MAY  begins 20th April and ends 20th May 2020.

Mercury 28 April- 12th May 2020.   This cycle highlights funding of business.    Resources of government.   

Venus in the constellation of Gemini turns retrograde 12th May 2020.   Affair of social interaction of April sees outcome August 2020.

Potential disruption,  mortality of the month of May sees outcome July 2020.     Wealth acquisition.  

Constraints in movement.    Restraints of associations.   – from the month of May sees outcome August 2020.  

Gain for women in position of authority,  in the month of May sees outcome June 2020.

4th May-22nd May  highlights social distance, continuation from March 2020.  

Planetary Foresights week of the 12th of MAY 2020:    

Mercury enters the constellation of Gemini,  work affair commences for June 2020.   

Venus begins her retrograde phase, affairs of week of May 12th see delays in the month of June and outcome week of 27th July 2020.

Mars ends his aspect with Saturn of April ending the cycle of constraints, disruption, scarcity of April 2020.

Mars begins his transit through the constellation of Pisces, highlighting the continuation and outcome of business activities of March 2020.

The month of May shows break in the status quo of April.   Caution.

Activities of the month of May see outcome of suspension August 2020.  

Activities of home of the month of May see outcome November 2020.  

This is a global energy.


Monday 20th April 2020

Affairs of travel,   Foreign affairs.   Education.

Closure of business.    Affliction of business.  

This day focus on personal resources,  business funding,  government resources.

This day features activities linked to home,  closure of business. 

Sudden change from the norm,  break from the norm.

The benefits of this week of the 20th April are revisited on the week of the 25th May and see outcome week of the 20th July 2020.

This day signifies social distance,  sudden change,  affair of mobility stems from week of the 28 February,   continues until outcome 22nd May 2020.

This day signifies outcome of change in property ownership of January 2020.

Energy of 20th  continues till the 27th April:    Sudden change,  a break,  movement.   

Tuesday 21

Affairs of travel,   Foreign affairs.   Education.

Closure of business.    Affliction of business.  

This day focus on personal resources,  business funding,  government resources.

Movement,  communications,  work affairs of this day signify ending of affairs of the month of April 2020.   

This day features activities linked to home,  closure of business. 

Sudden change from the norm,  break from the norm.

The benefits of this week of the 20th April are revisited on the week of the 25th May and see outcome week of the 20th July 2020.

This day sees continuation of government directive from the week of 16th March. 

This day signifies social distance,  sudden change,  affair of mobility stems from week of the 28 February,   continues until outcome 22nd May 2020.

Dark moon,  hidden things.

Defer action for 24/28th April where growing moon reveals concealed plans of dark moon.  

Ending of the month of April 2020.   

Moon with Mercury,  movement,  currency,  work communications,  technology. 

Wednesday 22

Continuation of 20th April. 

Affairs of travel,   Foreign affairs.   Education.

Closure of business.    Affliction of business.  

This day focus on personal resources,  business funding,  government resources.

This day features activities linked to home,  closure of business. 

Sudden change from the norm,  break from the norm.

The benefits of this week of the 20th April are revisited on the week of the 25th May and see outcome week of the 20th July 2020.

This day sees continuation of government directive from the week of 16th March. 

This day signifies social distance,  sudden change,  affair of mobility stems from week of the 28 February,   continues until outcome 22nd May 2020.

Dark moon,  hidden things.

Defer action for 24/28th April where growing moon reveals concealed plans of dark moon.  

Ending of the month of April 2020.   

Moon with Mercury,  movement,  currency,  work communications,  technology. 

View Lyrid meteor showers.   Change, beneficence, hope.  

Thursday 23

The start of the month of May 2020.

Activities of this day depict the month of May 2020.

Continuation of social distancing from March 2020.

Movement.  A break.  

Change in status of daily business work operations.   

This cycle continues until 15th May 2020.  

Focus on business appointment of business.  

News and communications are true. 

New Moon 23 April 2020.  

New direction of the month of May for outcome in the month August 2020. 

Moon at apogee, its furthest point to Earth for the period 2011-2020.  

Jupiter, Mars, Saturn in a line.    Conflict,  mortality.   Wealth.  

Venus brilliant in the evening twilight.   Sudden business operations.  

This day sees continuation of government directive from the week of 16th March. 

Friday 24

The start of the month of May 2020.

Activities of this day depict the month of May 2020.

Continuation of social distancing from March 2020.

A break in status of daily business work operations.   

This cycle continues until 15th May 2020.  

Focus on business appointment of business.  

News and communications are true. 

This day sees continuation of government directive from the week of 16th March. 

Saturday 25

Business daily schedules.   Business funding.

Change in status of position.  

Recreation.   Social affairs.  

A break in status of daily business work operations.   

This cycle continues until 15th May 2020.  

Moon with Aldebaran,  business credit.   Wealth through others is transitory.  

Sunday 26th

Business daily schedules.   Business funding.

Change in status of position.  

Recreation.   Social affairs.  

A break in status of daily business work operations.   

This cycle continues until 15th May 2020.  

Moon with Venus,  social activities, groups,  appointment of business.  


PERSONAL FORESIGHTS for those of us born with Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:


This week highlights funding of business.   Government resources.   Group activity.   Movement of child.   Target of creative project.   These activities of this week see outcome in May 2020.  


Action of this week features direction of business.    Change in status of position.    Change in status of ownership.   These activities of this week see outcome May 2020.


Affair of the the week signifies work closure.    Employee contract.   Planning for May 2020.   


The week highlights finance of institutions,  investment.     Affair of shared resources of this week sees activity May 2020.  


The week highlights movement.   Legal matter.   Partner.    Business engagement of this week sees outcome for May 2020.


The week highlights work affairs.   Employee.   Affair of health.     These activities of this week see outcome May 2020.  


Busy with resources of property.   Recreation.   Affair of child.   Business payment.     These activities of this week see outcome May 2020.  


Home, family affairs.   Contract agreement.   Movement.    These activities of this week see outcome May 2020.  


Busyness with daily affairs.   Communications.    Relations.   These activities of this week see outcome May 2020.  


Personal resources.   Change in status of position of child.    These activities of this week see outcome May 2020.  


Property ownership.    Planning of new direction.   These activities of this week signify the activities of the month of May for outcome August 2020.


Management of client communications.   Work ending.    Employee contract.   Reflection. These activities of this week signify the activities of the month of May for outcome August 2020.

Personal Foresights of the week of 20th April reflect our activities for the month of May for outcome of suspension August 2020.

mail@dinastro.com for your 2020 personal TimeMap

A path is made by walking on it.       ― Chuang Tzu

Sagacious Prescription of Time
