April 2020 shows the outcome of direction of January 2020.

Affairs of April 2020 sees outcome of new direction in July 2020.

Plans of April 2020 see outcome of movement July 2020.

Venus begins her transit through the constellation of Gemini April 4-August 7 2020.   

Mercury 12H April 3rd– 19th movement, communication, work, exchange subdued.   

Mercury Venus Communication via technology.  Finance for transport,   Resources related to transport.  

Mercury 11H 20 April-May   finance with investment of business.   Finance of government,   Resources of government.

April 1-12th planetary highlights:    

Sun    Focus on government directive.   

Moon Pluto    Mortality.   Wealth. 

Mercury   Work delays of February, see outcome June 2020.    Work communications, movement, suppressed.  

Mercury Neptune   Communications, news unrevealed. 

Venus   Harmony in the home.    

Mars  Saturn  constraints,  security,  locks.    Potential disruption, conflict.   Break of systems of structure.   Constraints, Scarcity of April 2020 sees outcome 2021.

Saturn Ceres   constraints, danger to older women.   

Jupiter in 12H    Suppression of work.   Suppression of travel.  Suppression of gain.  Hidden stores. 

April 13-19th

Sun    focus on private resources, finance, possessions.   – outcome July 2020.

Moon  Pluto Jupiter   Wealth,  mortality,  gain,  storage.   – outcome July 2020.

Saturn  Venus   constraints in social affairs.    –  outcome August 2020.  

Mercury 12 H  suppression of work, movement, communications.   – outcome May 2020.

Mars  military restrains.  – outcome July. 

Key Dates

March 24-6 April  Mars Pluto  mortality, wealth.    Venus Uranus social separation, remoteness.  

April  3-4, 7-12 , 13-19   Moon Pluto 7 H   wealth.

April  9-19   Saturn Venus    social separation.

April  20-22  

April 11-14   Sun Mars  military, potential conflict.  

April  20-22  May  Moon Uranus  cutting of ties of the norm, movement.  Social detachment. 

Full Moon 8th.     New Moon 23rd April 2020.  

This is a global energy. 


for those of us born with Ascending Sign, Midheaven, Natal Sun or Mutual Receptive Sun in the constellation of:

ARIES    Property, home and family affairs;  contract of client.  – for April 2020.   Movement,  agreement,  client status of commitment.  – for July 2020.     

TAURUS    Busyness with daily management affairs, communications, status of appointment of employment and of employee of April 2020.    Change in work, deadlines, premises, employee, health regime for outcome July 2020.  

GEMINI     Focus on finances, material resources, of April.    Child, affairs of child for outcome July 2020.

CANCER    new direction,  selfhood activity,  status of property ownership,  business premises of April.    Property, home and family affairs, agreement.   – for outcome July 2020

LEO     change of employee contract, work endings, hidden things of April.    Busyness with daily management affairs,  communications,  status of appointment of employment and of employee for outcome July 2020

VIRGO    group meeting, funding of business,  affair of child of April.   Finances, material resources, for outcome July 2020.

LIBRA      business direction, status of ownership, status of position of April.   New direction,  selfhood activity,  status of property ownership,  business premises for outcome July 2020.

SCORPIO    work ending, foreign affair, education of April.   Change of employee contract, work ending, hidden things for outcome July 2020.

SAGITTARIUS     shared resources, investments, loans, payments of April.    Group meeting,  client resources,  funding of business,  affair of child for outcome July 2020.  

CAPRICORN    contract, or break of, legal affair, property affair, movement of April.    Business direction, status of ownership, status of position for outcome July 2020. 

AQUARIUS    Change in work, deadlines, premises, employee, health of April.   Work ending, foreign affair, education for outcome July 2020.

PISCES    Business investment, resources of property, creative venture, affairs of child of April.  Shared resources, investment, loan, payments for outcome July 2020.